Maleficent's Plan Begins

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     Mal smirked when she and her crew had finally made it out of the stupid hideout and she could finally run wild again and take over the Isle once again. Mal laughed mischievously as they ran through the Isle singing and dancing and just watching as people ran away in fear. It was making Mal feel the power again that she had been losing and she was feeling amazing and free.

There was no better feeling in the world than to have people fearing her as she led her loyal crew through the Isle. Mal smiled evilly when she saw a baby pass by in a wagon with a lollipop as she grabbed it wanting to prove to her "mother" that she could be just as evil as her. Evie and Carlos just fake laughed with Mal as they really felt horrible for that poor baby since they knew how hard it was to find food and they knew how much harder it was for babies to survive on the Isle.

Especially since Mal was one of those babies and in fact Mal was supposed to be younger than that baby, but she didn't know that and she was just trying to make Maleficent proud of her again which was just so stupid, but they couldn't tell Mal that. They wanted to scold Mal about how wrong that was, but they were supposed to be villains and villains are supposed to be evil. Plus in public they were her crew. They were just supposed to follow her and be her back up.

If people saw them lecturing Mal that would make them look weak for caring about a baby and it would make Mal look weak because her own crew was lecturing her like a child. They had to just hold back their feelings of regret and sadness and pretend that they were happy she stole from that baby. Jay on the other hand was proud of her. He liked seeing his niece be a thief like him. It showed she had potential to be just like him and he liked that.

The group all stopped their smiling and laughing when they saw the henchman and everyone scatter completely in fear. That could only mean one thing. Maleficent was there. Mal just smiled as she was getting her hopes up that her "mom" would finally be proud of her. The others were all holding back their urge to jump Maleficent and attack her for all the harm and pain that she had caused them and their baby. They couldn't believe that the evil monster would dare to show up in their presence again after what she had done to them and Mal.

Mal just ran over to Maleficent with a smile on her face as she held up the lollipop hoping that her "mom" would be proud of her for stealing. Mal's smile faded when her "mother" barely even looked at her as she just grabbed the candy and spit on it before throwing it back. "Mom I just stole that from a baby! Aren't you at least a little bit proud of me," Mal asked her "mom" sadly as her attempt of getting her "mom" to even really notice her had been another failure.

Evie, Carlos, and Jay had to hold back their tears as they watched their little girl who was almost in tears as her "mother" still wasn't proud of her evil ways. It hurt even worse to actually see it with their own eyes. To see how Maleficent was treating their baby like she was some worthless minion that literally meant nothing and it hurt to see Mal so desperate for attention from someone she thought was her mother. And gosh it was like a knife to the heart for Evie to see Mal looking so heartbroken as she called Maleficent mom and just the way Mal said it was heartbreaking as if she was pleading for some form of attention from her that she was never going to get.

Maleficent just cackled as she looked at the worthless brat that she had taken from the crew who was standing behind her. It was making her feel happy to watch them all suffer. She could see the hurt and the suffering on the other three's faces as she tortured the little brat and it was filling her with joy and power.

"Oh Mal that was nothing! When I was your age I was cursing entire kingdoms not stealing candy from babies! That is child's play! You are never going to be like me if you don't start trying harder! Now I didn't come here to talk about how much of a disappointment you are! I have buried the lead! You four have been chosen to go to a different school... in Auradon," Maleficent told her "daughter" and her "friends" with a smirk as her plan was finally coming to a start and the little worthless brat that she had taken in would finally bring her some good use because so far the brat had sucked at everything and was just a waste of her time. The only good thing about her so far was the fact that it gave her something to torture.

Mal just froze in shock and disbelief as her "mother" wanted them to leave the Isle and go to Auradon. She didn't want to live with those prissy pink princesses that think they are that because they got to grow up in Auradon instead of the trashy Isle. Evie, Jay, and Carlos all had to hold back their smiles as they were finally getting some more information on what Maleficent's plan was. The rumors were true and they were going to Auradon. They immediately snapped back into reality when they heard Mal get upset as she didn't want to go and they knew that was their cue to act like how they were supposed to be as her "minions."

Evie just put on her best ditzy look, Jay put on his tough whatever type of attitude, and Carlos put on his best terrified look as they had to act like how they were expected to act based on who their parents were. "What? No, we're not going to Auradon. I don't want to live with those prissy pink princesses. They think they're better than us just because they live in Auradon," Mal practically screamed out to the evil fairy.

The other three just sighed silently as they joined in with fake complaints as they honestly really did want to go to Auradon, but they knew that they had to play their role or it would look bad and they were so close to finding out Maleficent's plan they could feel it. They couldn't mess it up now when they were so close.

Maleficent just shushed all of the kids angrily as they were arguing with her and you didn't argue with her unless you wanted to get yourself hurt. "You four are going! And that is an order!" Maleficent screamed out to the kids as as she grabbed Mal roughly by her wrist and dragged her towards their secret home with the other three following after trying not scream or cry seeing Maleficent just grab their baby like that and seeing how scared she looked despite the "brave" look she was trying to pull off.

They were scared as well, but they knew that this was the start of Maleficent's plan and they would finally be getting their baby back soon. They were so ready for whatever Maleficent had planned back at her secret home because they were finally getting closer to getting their baby back and that was making them fill with confidence and motivation despite how worried and scared they were for whatever she was actually expecting them to do.

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