Kitchen Fun

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When they finally reached the kitchen Mal just started quickly looking around for food to eat, but she found that there was nothing already premade. "Ugh there is no food! Now what are we supposed to do," Mal whined out as it seemed that her glamour was even weaker at night which Evie knew was going to be important to remember.

      Evie just laughed as she walked over to the pantry and pulled out some ingredients. "Mal there is food we just have to make it on our own," Evie told her daughter and she couldn't help, but smile as she realized that this was one of the things she had always wanted to do with her daughter.

       She would have preferred to do it with her daughter when she was little like she was supposed to be, but this was still a bonding moment and she would take it for now. Mal just looked at Evie like she was crazy. "What! But we can't make food!" Mal screamed out and Evie just laughed again as she continued to grab things.

         "Well you may not be able to make food, but I can. Your gra... I mean my mom she taught me how to cook and I'm actually pretty good at it," Evie told her baby and she was really hoping that Mal wouldn't notice her slip up as she had almost called her mom Mal's grandma which was the truth, but Mal didn't know that.

           Mal just looked at Evie in suspicion as Evie had been acting weird again. Every once in a while Evie would say something completely weird and then she would quickly try to cover it up. Mal normally just let it go, but lately Evie's slip ups had been more and more suspicious and it wasn't just Evie. Carlos and Jay had been acting that way too lately.

            Mal knew she would need to investigate it, but she couldn't let the others know that she was on to whatever secret they were hiding from her. And it really didn't help that her own body was acting weird too.

            Mal was snapped out of her thoughts by Evie who had noticed that Mal seemed to be out of it. "Hey you okay?" Evie asked Mal who just immediately snapped out of it as she gave Evie a smile. "Yeah I'm fine. I was just thinking about how great it's going to be once we get that wand and take over the world!" Mal lied out knowing that would distract Evie from worrying about her.

            Evie just let out a fake smile as that sounded horrible to her and she honestly didn't want that at all. All she wanted was to be a normal teen well not a normal teen as most teens didn't have a baby to raise, but a teen that didn't have to worry about pleasing evil villains is what she would love to be. She also just wants to have a family and friends and she just wants to go to school and be a regular girl.

            However the universe has other plans for her. "You're right it's going to be so amazing!" Evie told Mal as she lied through her teeth. Mal just sighed as she had been secretly hoping that Evie would slip up with something suspicious again, but unfortunately she didn't.

             Before Mal could say something more her stomach began to growl reminding her of her hunger. "It sure is, but Evie we got off topic again! And I'm even more hungry now! Let me know when you're done," Mal told Evie, making Evie laugh as she looked at Mal.

             "And where exactly are you going," Evie playfully asked Mal who just gave Evie a cute smile. "I want to see if that red monster show is on again!" Mal told Evie and Evie had to hold back a laugh as she loved seeing the little glimpses of her daughter and she found it adorable how excited Mal was to watch the baby show again, but Evie also knew that Mal didn't know just how much of a baby show that was.

              "Mal you have to help me! Besides we have school soon and we have to at least pretend like we care about it. You can watch that red monster show later. Now come on help me or you're not getting any," Evie told Mal as she didn't want Mal watching Tv as Tv was bad for babies, making Mal groan as she didn't want to help and she wanted to watch Sesame street.

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