Confusing Thoughts

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Author's Note: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and let me know what you guys thought. Sorry for taking a while to update this story, but I've been really focused on my newest story lately, and have been spending most of time on that one, but I promise that I will focus on all of my stories again as I really love writing for all of my books and I have so many ideas for all of them. Anyway thank you to everyone that reads my stories and comments/votes I really appreciate it and I hope you guys continue to enjoy this story and my others if you read any of my others as well.

    When they got to the boys' room Mal looked around in awe as the boys' room looked way more cool than her boring pink princess room.  She just smiled as she ran over to Jay, curious by what he had on his bed. As Jay had stolen a bunch of items in Auradon.

    Jay wasn't evil, but he did really enjoy stealing and he was extremely good at it. While Mal and Jay were bantering about stealing, Evie just went over to Carlos, so she could talk to him about Mal's huge tantrum that she just had. Evie had been noticing signs in Mal that she could have sworn were their baby and not just the glamour glitching and she wanted to talk to Carlos about it as Mal was distracted with Jay.

      At first she had thought that Mal's glamour was just glitching because it was used on the Isle and there was no magic on the Isle, but surprisingly the glamour actually seemed to be working better on the Isle which was just weird as they were in Auradon now where there is magic meaning the glamour should be stronger.

      And the way Mal had reacted when Evie lectured her was definitely not a normal glitch in the glamour. It was almost as if her baby knew that she was her mom even if Mal didn't seem to on the outside. There were certain moments like that, that made her think that maybe her baby was actually still inside of the glamour Mal.

        "So what do you think? Do you think our baby is still in there?" Evie asked Carlos after she finished explaining to him what happened and a few other instances that she had noticed where it seemed like their baby was still there. Carlos just looked over at Mal who was smiling and playing around with Jay.

          "I don't know. I think it's possible too and I've noticed some of those things as well. Like her glamour seems to glitch more whenever we are around as if she knows who we really are. But at the same time it could just be us really wanting to believe that she's trying to get to us through the glamour that it's making us think that. But either way she's still our baby girl even if she doesn't know it and even if she looks like a teenager right now. She's always going to be our baby," Carlos told Evie, making Evie smile a bit as she watched Mal play around with Jay.

         "Yeah you're right. I just really want our actual baby back. I mean she's not even a year old yet. I just don't want to miss anymore of her life. And I really hope we can get her back soon because I really miss our baby girl. And I hate that I can't be her mom right now," Evie told Carlos who just pulled her into a hug as he nodded.

            "I agree Evie, but we're so close I can feel it and I miss being her dad so much," Carlos whispered to Evie as he hugged her. They both broke the hug though when Mal and Jay had finished their conversation and Mal had gotten upset when she saw that Evie and Carlos were just hugging and not focusing on the plan.

           Even though a small part of her was feeling happy and excited to see them together, but she didn't understand why because Mal didn't care about romance at all and she could care less who Evie, Carlos, or even Jay ended up with. Yet for some reason something inside of her was excited to see Evie and Carlos hugging. She just pushed away her thoughts to focus on the plan again as she was starting to grow impatient.

            "Ugh are you two love birds done! Do I have to remind you what we are all here for! We need to get that wand! I just want to get that stupid wand, so we can get out of this prissy pink place! So focus! You two can hook up on your own time after we get the wand and prove to our parents that we are evil,  vicious,  ruthless, and cruel! So they will stop treating us like failures!" Mal screamed out in frustration as she was very tired and cranky and just wanted to sleep, but she needed to get the wand first. And it was making her angry to see her friends not even caring about the wand like she was.

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