Figuring Out The Truth

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  Author's Note: I wasn't planning on doing this in this story, but I just started writing and this is what came out and I decided to just go with it. I hope you enjoy this and please let me know what you all thought and again I am so sorry for the long wait. I'm going to try to not take as long to update this again. Anyway now onto the chapter.

"Okay come on mirror! You worked before please work again!" Mal begged out as she looked at the mirror she had taken from Evie again after everyone had gone home. They were supposed to have been planning, but ended up just hanging out agreeing to meet up again and plan tomorrow.

Evie was sleeping, but for some reason Mal wasn't tired as she couldn't help being mesmerized by Evie's mirror again. It was like something was drawing her towards it. Mal just took a deep breath as she picked up Evie's mirror and a memory of a blue haired baby filled her brain immediately filling in all the missing information in her brain that she couldn't figure out before.


"Aww look at you! You're so cute!" Evie cooed out as she tickled her baby who started giggling. "Hehe I love you so much Mallory! And no matter what you do I will always love you and be proud of you," Evie told the tiny blue haired baby making the baby smile as she cuddled up on her mommy enjoying the love and warmth.

Just as the blue haired baby was falling asleep against her mommy two people came running in as Carlos quickly ran to Evie sitting down by her on the couch and picked up the baby from her.

"Hey Mally! Daddy is here too now! And I love you so much as well!" Carlos told the baby with a smile making Evie laugh as she rolled her eyes. "Hey I was holding her," Evie playfully told Carlos, making him laugh.

"Yeah well now I'm holding her. You had her all day Evie," Carlos told Evie making her laugh as the baby started crying and reaching towards her. "Yeah, but she's a mama's girl Carlos! Aww isn't that right Mal," Evie cooed out to the baby making her giggle again as she curled up on Evie and fell asleep.

Flashback Ends

Mal just dropped the mirror in shock as she realized what it all meant. The blue haired baby in her dreams was her and the blue haired girl in her dreams actually was Evie. Evie was her mom! And Carlos was her dad!

But she didn't get it. How was she the same age as Evie and Carlos if Evie was her mom and Carlos was her dad and how come Evie and Carlos wouldn't tell her anything? And most of all why did Maleficent say she was Mal's mom if she wasn't?

Mal now had information, but she still felt like she knew nothing. Mal just picked up the mirror again as she was getting angry and she wanted more answers.

"Stupid mirror! I still don't know anything! Why did Maleficent say she's my mom if she's not!" The baby in the teenage glamour screamed out as she was feeling betrayed.

Just as Mal was about to slam the mirror down again the mirror started to swirl as an image appeared. Mal just stared in shock as she saw herself as a baby again.


The tiny blue haired baby just sat in her box in Maleficent's secret hideout as she just kept sobbing over and over again just wanting her mommy and daddy. "Ugh! Shut up! You annoying brat!" Maleficent screamed out as she slapped the baby making her cry harder.

"I SAID STOP CRYING!" Maleficent shouted again making the blue haired baby keep crying and angering maleficent more as she couldn't do it anymore. "THAT'S IT! I CAN'T TAKE IT! YOU LOST YOUR PRIVILEGES TO BE A BABY! I CAN'T DO THIS! SAY BYE BYE TO YOUR CHILDHOOD! YOU CAN'T HANDLE IT!" Maleficent screamed out as she threw the baby down on the ground and left her hideout.

Maleficent returned a few hours later with a glamour potion as she shoved it into a bottle and then shoved it into the baby's mouth forcing her to drink it as she was met with smoke and when it cleared Mal was a purple haired, green eyed, teen with no memories.

Flashback Ends

Mal just stared at the mirror in shock again as she couldn't believe what she just saw. She wasn't 16! She was a baby and her "friends" knew all along. Heck they weren't her friends. Evie and Carlos were her parents and Jay was her Uncle. She couldn't believe they would do that to her.

How could they let Maleficent take her and hurt her like that? And how could they just go along with everything? Why wouldn't they tell her the truth? Why let Mal believe she's 16 if she's not and why wouldn't they turn her back?

Mal didn't get it and it was making her more and more angry the more she thought about everything and the more things started to make sense. She was acting like a baby because she really was a baby.

All the accidents, the tantrums, the random bursts of hunger, and tiredness. It all made sense now. Evie treating her like a baby and those accidental slips they knew all along. Mal wanted to wake Evie up right now and start yelling at her for what she did, but for some reason everytime Mal thought about yelling at Evie about everything she couldn't do it.

She still loves Evie and it made sense now. Evie was her mom and she knew that deep down even before she could really figure it out. And Mal knew that Evie loves her. It was obvious that Evie loves her.

But she just didn't understand why Evie would lie to her if she loves her. There had to be a reason though Evie wouldn't just lie to her like that right? Just as Mal was about to wake Evie up and start confronting her she realized something as she remembered how upset Evie would get whenever Mal made certain comments.

It was clear Evie was upset about this situation, so maybe there was a reason they couldn't tell her the truth. Mal just sighed as she decided she couldn't let them know that she knew the truth because if these really were her parents then they had to have a real reason for keeping something like this away from her.

Mal just started crying as she realized she wanted to be herself again. That's why her body was acting that way because deep down Mal wanted to be herself and she didn't want to be this teenager anymore. She had been trying to fight against this fake teenage body the whole time and Mal hadn't put that together until now.

Mal wanted to be 6 months old again and not have confusing thoughts. She wanted her body back and most importantly she wanted her mommy and daddy back, but she didn't know how and she couldn't just wake up Evie and ask because Evie didn't even know that she knew anything.

Mal didn't want to get the wand anymore and she didn't care about Maleficent anymore all she wanted was to be herself again and to have her life back, but she couldn't let her family know that she knew which meant that she would have to keep pretending that she didn't understand anything and maybe it would work out.

Mal just watched Evie sleep as she couldn't hold back anymore as she got on Evie's bed and cuddled up with her just wanting to cuddle up with her mommy again now that she knew the truth, but she couldn't let anyone know not even Evie.

Mal just looked up at Evie as she cuddled up next to her. "Mommy please help me be me again. I don't wanna be 16 anymore. I wanna be baby me again," Mal whispered as she fell asleep cuddled up next to Evie and cried herself to sleep as she didn't want to be this fake 16 year old anymore and she wanted her real life back.   

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