Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

December 20, 1964

George and I were eating breakfast trying to get an early start to the day to get over the jet lag from our holiday. We started back to work tomorrow with rehearsals for Brian's Christmas show he had put together for this year. The phone rang. I put my fork down on my plate.

"I'll get it," I murmured, getting up from the table.

George nodded. He still looked like he was half asleep.

I walked into the living room and picked up the phone, "Hello?"

"It's John, say it's Paul though," he said quickly on the other line.

I smirked, "Paul, what's up?"

"I missed you," John said quietly, "Let's meet up this evening. How about a hotel room? Go to Paul's around six pm. Say you're staying with Jane for the night, you know doing girl shit."

George walked into the room. I thought quickly hoping John would get the hint, "Oh so Jane wants to hang out tonight. What time should I be there?"

John chuckled quietly and whispered, "George came in? Six pm. They'll have a disguise for you and tell you which hotel I'm at. At the front desk say you're...Mrs. Winston."

"Okay, yeah, six pm should be fine," I paused, "I'll ask George, but I'm sure he won't mind."

John laughed, still keeping his voice low, "I can't wait to see tonight, fuck you how you need to be fucked."

My breathing hitched and I tried to hide it, "Okay thanks Paul. Tell Jane I can't wait for tonight. See you then. Bye."

John was laughing as I hung up the phone. George was standing there looking at me.

"Paul said that Jane wanted to have a girls night sleepover kind of thing since we haven't seen each other in awhile, is it alright if I go?"

George brought me into his arms, "I'll miss you tonight. It's our last night off before the Christmas shows. But I suppose you could go. I'll just be lonely."

I kissed him, "Oh, George. We just got back from holiday. And she's been busy being an actress. I need to tell her about the holiday. We need to catch up with each other."

"Okay, I know you two will have fun," George said, "Just know I'll be waiting for you in the morning."

"I love you, George," I looked into his eyes.

He kissed me, "I love you darling."

It was around six when I pulled up to the Asher residence where Paul was still living. I knocked on the door, Jane answered.

She smirked at me, "Evening Mrs. Winston."

We both burst into laughter. This was all so ridiculous, but at the same time I had missed John the whole time I was in the Bahamas, and I couldn't help it. Jane told me she had a disguise for me to put on to go to the hotel to check in. I told her about my holiday while we went to her room.

"He left these things for you," she handed me a pile of stuff, "He's really planned all this out. The disguises, the fake names, it's getting pretty serious I guess."

I looked through the pile. There was a wig and hat, sunglasses and big fur coat, "This is so wrong, Jane, but if this is the only way I can see him then so be it. I've missed him."

"When do you think he'll leave Cynthia?" Jane asked helping me put the wig on.

"I don't know. We haven't really talked about it, honestly. I figure since we're going through all this, John wants to start meeting more frequently. I guess I'll see what he says tonight."

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