Chapter 8

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October 20, 1958

I glanced outside as the leaves fell gently from the tree. Summer had gone and went. John was down from his mother's death. In fact, I had never seen him so emotional and sad. He was starting to get back to his old self. Art school had started a month ago, and I think he was enjoying getting to express himself in that way during the day and then still play with the band at night. Another change had happened to the band, their name. John said they outgrew the name 'The Quarrymen', and he wanted to think of something that was better suited for a rock 'n' roll group. He came up with 'Johnny & the Moondogs'. I thought it was quite funny but it did have the same ring to it as say, 'The Crickets' for example.

"Sasha, dear, did you hear me?" Mimi asked from beside me.

I looked at her, "Oh sorry, what was that?"

"We add the milk next, can you hand me the milk?" Mimi repeated herself.

I was hanging out with Mimi today whilst John was at his classes. She was teaching me how to make scones. In fact, she had started teaching me how to make a lot of John's favorite things. I sort of wondered why. She insisted that I come over almost every other day to learn how to make something. Today was scones and tea sandwiches. We were preparing an afternoon tea for when John got home.

"Now mix, mix, mix," she instructed me, "It's quite tough, you have to put your back in sometimes."

I mixed the scone dough together in the bowl with a wooden spoon, "Mimi?"

She looked at me and chuckled, "It's tough, isn't it?"

I nodded, "Listen, Mimi, I really enjoy learning to make all these things with you, but what makes you want to teach me?"

She smiled at me, "Well, you are a natural in the kitchen, and, well, I really shouldn't say."

I raised my eyebrows at her, "What Mimi?"

"Well, it's just that John's eighteen now, and you'll be eighteen in a couple of months. And you two are so serious, and I just figured you and John will marry at some point. I wanted you to know how to make his favorite things. I know you'll take care of him and be good to him, but this just makes me worry a bit less," she explained, "I've always wanted this for John, to find a woman to take care of him. The truth is, I won't be around forever, and especially after what happened to Julia, you never know really. I just want someone to take care of him the way he needs. I know you will, Sasha. I've known for a long time. He needs you, he really does, no matter how tough and teddy boy he acts. He needs someone to rely on. Besides, now that you're with him, it's the happiest I've seen him in his entire life."

"Oh Mimi," I smiled, "That means so much for you to say. I want the best for John too. I love him very much, and I promise I'll take care of him."

Mimi and I finished making the scones. When we brought them out of the oven, they were beautiful golden brown and soft. We sat the table and made the tea. We heard the front door open and close. John walked into the dining room as we finished setting everything on the table.

He kissed me, "What's all this, love?"

"Mimi taught me how to make your favorites for afternoon tea," I explained, "I missed you today."

"I missed you, mama," he kissed me again, "And this is perfect, I'm starving."

Mimi joined at the table and we began our afternoon tea. We had a show tonight at the Casbah Club, and so John and I would need to be leaving soon to get ready for that.

"How was school today, John?" Mimi asked, sipping her tea.

John talked with his mouth full of scone, "Oh it was fine, same old, same old."

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