Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

April 10, 1962

Paul handed me a cup of tea. I was sat on the sofa looking out the front window at the rain coming down. I was flying with them to Hamburg tomorrow. George had come down with a cold so he would be flying with Mr. Epstein a couple days later. I thought about Stu and Astrid. I worried about Stu every moment of every day. I had talked to Astrid yesterday, and she said Stu was about the same and couldn't wait to see all of us. I still had a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"He'll be fine, Sasha. It's just taking him awhile to get better," Paul said, sitting down on the other end of the sofa.

"I just won't sleep until I see him tomorrow. You don't understand Paul, he looked so ill. I've never seen anyone look like that."

Paul sipped on his tea. He had never really been friends with Stuart of course. In fact, I think at one point he disliked Stuart more than anyone on the planet.

"He made me promise him something though" I said quietly.

"What's that?"

"He wanted me to talk to John. He wanted me to bring John to see him when I came back to Hamburg."

"That'll be kind of hard considering you and John don't even look at each other, " Paul pointed out.

"He told me something interesting, Paul," I started to confront him. I had been thinking about Stuart's words for two weeks, "He said he tried to get John to come talk to me when he first came back from Hamburg. He tried for a year because I wanted him to come talk to me, Paul. I thought John was the love of my life, and maybe he still is. Stu said he wouldn't because of you. Why would he say that?"

Paul swallowed the tea in his mouth, "Stu's full of it, Sasha. He's ill, he doesn't know what he's saying."

I looked at Paul, "You know I wanted John to come apologize. I told you so many times. You knew I loved him more than anything. You knew I missed him."

"God, Sasha, it's been almost two bloody years. You're with George now. Stu's full of shit."

I stood from the sofa, "Don't talk about him that way! You're so childish."

I ran up the stairs to my room. I broke down in sobs. The stress of everything the past two years was too much. I had to figure out how I was going to show up to Astrid and Stu's tomorrow with John.

Tomorrow came sooner  than I expected it to. I was sitting in a seat at the gate waiting for  the boys to arrive. I was nervous to be around John again. I had to figure out how to get him to Stu's with me. I wasn't sure that John even knew how ill Stu was.

"Hello Sasha," Pete said sitting down next to me, "Long time no see."

Paul smiled at me as  John walked over. Paul was acting weird toward me ever since yesterday. John didn't say hello or even look at me. I  knew this was going to be a long trip.

We boarded the plane,  and it was realized that my seat was next to John. Pete saw this and  offered to switch seats with me, so I could sit next to Paul instead.  The flight to Hamburg seemed quick, and soon, we were walking out of the  gate.

I saw Astrid standing a little ways away. Stu wasn't with her, but I knew he couldn't get out of bed. As we got closer, I looked at her face. Tears came to my eyes. A sick feeling entered my stomach.

We approached her, and I hugged her, "Astrid, how are you?"

"I'm," she couldn't finish her sentence before John said...

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