Chapter 6

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Author's Note: Thank you to everyone that's reading. I would love to hear what you think in the comments.

Chapter 6

August 7, 1957

I  sat next to John in a booth in the diner we had come to for our first  date. We were sharing a malt with two straws and an order of fries just  like we did before. I was so in love with him. When I wasn't with him, I  was thinking about him. John and I spent so much time together, getting  to know each other more. We had made love as much as we could sneak  away to, and I never wanted to be with anyone else.

"Are you nervous?" He asked me, eating a fry.

His  arm was wrapped around my shoulders, I looked up at him, "I don't know.  Maybe a little. I've never played an actual gig before, just for my  family and you."

Tonight was the Quarrymen's debut at a new club  here in Liverpool called the Cavern. It was supposed to be the best new  place. We had been rehearsing everyday. I had been practicing the songs I  was going to the perform. John wanted me to perform before them,  singing a few of my songs and playing guitar. I wasn't sure if the crowd  was going to like me. Luckily, my relationship with John had sparked me  to be writing new songs constantly.

"You'll be amazing.  People will love you. And then you can see me perform at an actual gig  and not just at band practice," John explained.

I kissed him lightly on the lips, "I love you my teddy boy."

"I love you, mama," John said, curling his lip up like Elvis and chuckling afterward.

"John," I said quietly.

He  kissed me, "I love you. I really do. Hey, maybe after the gig we can  find a place to sneak off and celebrate how amazing we are and how  famous we'll be someday."

I hit his chest playfully, "Oh, John, is that all you think of?"

"I just can't get enough of you, mama," he brought my face closer and began kissing me.

"Hey Lennon, we haven't see you in weeks!"

John  and I broke away from our kiss as a few guys with leather jackets slid  into the other side of the booth. I only recognized one of them. Pete  Shotten from the band.

"Well, I guess now we know why you've disappeared," one of the guys said, looking me up and down.

"Ah, sod off, Garry. Don't you have a scarf to crochet with your mum, you fairy," John spit back at him.

I looked at John. I hadn't heard him be so harsh to anyone before.

"Sasha,"  John looked at me, "You know Pete. The other ugly things sitting over  there are friends from school. Boys, this is Sasha."

Pete grinned at me. He seemed the most civil out of this group, "She's from America."

"America?" One of the guys said, "What are you doing in this hellhole?"

I  started to speak, but John spoke instead, "She moved here to get to  know her father who's from here. And her brothers. You know Paul in the  band? That's her brother."

One of the guys grinned at me, then  looked at John, "So this is who you're shagging nowadays, Lennon? We  figured you were probably out shagging around."

My eyes grew wide.

"Watch it," John said through clenched teeth.

"She is a looker, isn't she?" One of the boys elbowed another boy.

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