Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

July 29, 1957

"Ladies and gentlemen please ensure your seats are in the upright and locked position. We are beginning our descent into London. Thank you," A woman's British accent said over the loud speaker of the plane.

I looked out the window. It seemed that it was actually sunny, something that everyone told me not to expect when moving to England. I took a deep breath and exhaled. I couldn't believe I was actually doing this. Of course I wanted to meet my brothers and my dad, but it was hard to make the decision to leave all of my friends, my mom, my family, and America. However, this was just a new adventure. And besides, it was only for a year. I planned to move to Nashville, TN after the year was over to pursue my dream. I wanted to perform. I wanted to write songs and sing them to an audience. I wanted people to like me.

I had fallen in love with country music since that's all my uncle really listens to in the house. Also, like every American teenager, I love rock 'n' roll especially that dreamboat, Elvis Presley.

When the plane was safely on the ground, I heard everyone click their seat belts off. I dug through my bag between my feet and found my passport and the letter that my dad had sent me in the mail before departure. He had sent me one with my plane ticket but this one was different. The outside of the envelope read Welcome to the United Kingdom (open when you land).

I got off the plane and followed the signs to the place where passports were checked. I had gotten my British visa in the mail a week ago, and my dad told me that I could actually apply for citizenship once I was here since he is British. I got my passport checked and stood at baggage claim to wait for my suitcase. My mom had also sent money with me to buy some new clothes once I got here. As I waited, I opened the envelope and pulled out a piece of paper, careful not to drop anything else that was in there. I read the first few steps that dad had written out for me.

1. Collect your bag

2. Follow the signs to the trains

3. Use the ticket enclosed to get the train to Liverpool

Once I grabbed my bag, I followed the signs to the trains, and asked someone to make sure I got on the right train, showing them my ticket.

I grabbed my seat by the window and made myself comfortable for the journey. Finally, the train pulled into the Liverpool station. I got off the train and stood by the wall, looking at my instructions.

4. Welcome home, Sasha! Can't wait to see you!

I smiled at the paper.

5. They'll be a line of taxis outside the station. Get the first one.

6. Tell him this address: 20 Forthlin Road, Allerton

7. See you soon. I'll pay the driver when you get here.

I took a deep breath and walked out the train station. I saw the line of taxis and walked up to the first one.

"Hello, miss where ya headin'?" I almost couldn't understand him.

"Um," I looked at my paper, "20 Forthlin Road, Allerton."

"Alright, get in," he said.

I got in the back of the taxi with my bags. I sat back and looked at my home passing by in the windows. I couldn't believe I was here. I couldn't believe I had done this.

Soon, we pulled up to a long brick building, with rows of windows and doors. The taxi came to a stop. A white door opened, and I saw him for the first time in person, my dad.

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