Chapter 2

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July 30, 1957

I slowly opened my eyes, and forgot where I was for a second. I heard birds chirping from outside the window, bringing me out of my disorientation. I swung my legs over the side of the bed. I had slept comfortably in my new home last night, probably because I was so tired from all of the traveling and excitement yesterday. Again, I thought of John's kiss last night, and then Paul's words of course. I can't believe I had acted that way and let him do that with barely even knowing him, it was all so strange.

I decided to go ahead and get dressed and put makeup on for the day before going downstairs. After I had my hair and makeup done, and my dress on for the day, I padded down the stairs barefoot.

I walked through the living room and into the kitchen. I heard some voices from the dining room and turned the corner.

Paul was sitting at the table with a boy I didn't recognize. They were both eating toast and drinking tea. The boy looked up at me and sputtered on his tea.

Paul chuckled at him, "Oh, George, this is my sister, Sasha. Remember, I was telling you about her?"

"Oh, yes, nice to meet you," he stuttered, obviously nervous from my presence for some reason.

Paul laughed again, "Morning Sasha. Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, I did," I replied, "Hello," I turned to the boy.

Paul smiled, "Sasha, this is my mate George. We go to school together."

"Nice to meet you," I said, sitting down at the table with the both of them, "Where's dad?"

"Oh, he's already gone to work for the day. It's nearly ten o'clock. I expected you to sleep in though, from all the traveling," Paul explained.

"It's already ten?" I asked, "I didn't realize."

"Why, you have somewhere to be?" Paul asked me, laughing slightly.

I looked down at my lap, then back up at him, "Actually, your friend John is picking me up at two."

"John Lennon?" The boy finally spoke.

Paul shook his head at George as if trying to get him not to say another word.

It didn't work, "Just be careful. John has a reputation."

"A reputation?" I asked him, reminded of Paul's warning last night.

"Yeah and he'll ruin yours, and you don't even know anyone yet," George continued.

I looked to Paul for some clarification, "Look Sasha, I'm not going to tell you what to do, but just be careful. I've only really known John for two weeks, but everyone our age has heard of him before. He's just trouble, you know getting suspended from school, things like that. He's been with a lot of the girls our age, and honestly, he gets what he wants from them and moves on."

"Yeah, a good shag," George added.

My cheeks turned red, and I looked down at my lap again. I didn't want a boy like that.

Paul glared at George, "Just be careful, Sasha. I would hate for him to hurt you when you just got here. His intentions with women just aren't the best. He's not looking to settle down. He's never had a serious girlfriend and he probably never will. It's just how he is. He has a...complicated life."

I looked back and forth at George and Paul as they looked at me, "Well, should I still go with him today?"

George took a sip of tea, and Paul answered me, "Sure, Sasha. I mean, you will be going to the same school as him, so you might as well get to know somebody. Just don't fall for any of his tricks. Don't do anything if it makes you uncomfortable. I think you'll have fun today, really."

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