Chapter 4

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July 31, 1957

The sun shining through my thin curtains made my eyes flutter open. I smiled as I stretched, thinking of yesterday, thinking of John. I sat up, still smiling. We had gotten to know each other very well yesterday. We hadn't made any specific plans to see each other, but I hoped it was soon. I got out of bed, and sat at my dressing table. I decided to put on a little makeup before starting the day. I brushed through my hair and looked at my appearance in the mirror. John had called me beautiful yesterday on multiple occasions. I hummed a song to myself as I walked over to my window. I looked outside, it was a nice day and the sun was already shining. I thought it could be good to sit outside and write a song this morning. I went to my wardrobe and picked out something to wear. I went for some tight jeans and a button up that I could tie the bottom to show a little bit of my stomach. I was still humming to myself as I grabbed my guitar and started to make my way down the stairs.

I stopped halfway because I heard some voices from the kitchen. I listened closely and heard John's voice speaking quietly to who I assumed was probably Paul.

"I'm crazy about her Paul," I heard John say and smiled to myself, "I want to be with her. I love her."

My eyes widened, and I slowly sunk down to sit on the step. No boy had ever said that about me before. I guess I was feeling that about him too. I mean for God's sake, I woke up smiling. I placed my hand on my chest to try and catch my breath.

"Wow, John," I heard Paul, "I'm honestly shocked. This isn't like you, or what I heard about you before I met you."

"I can't explain it, Paul," John replied, "I just have these feelings for her. I don't want anyone else to have her. Do you think she feels the same about me?"

I nodded quietly on the stairs covering my mouth in excitement. I did feel the same way. No one had ever made me feel the way John made me feel.

"I haven't talked a lot about it with her," Paul explained, "But she was pretty happy last night when she got home from yours."

I smiled the biggest smile and stood from the stairs. I walked toward the kitchen, laying my guitar on the sofa as I passed. I heard Paul and John stop talking, I guess hearing me coming. In the kitchen, I poured myself some tea. I turned and walked into the dining room. John stood from the table.

"Morning, Sasha," he said.

I smiled at him, "Good morning, John. I didn't know you would be here this morning."

"I wanted to see you," he said.

He stepped closer to me and kissed me on the lips. He lingered there and looked into my eyes. Paul cleared his throat.

I giggled, "Morning little brother," I tousled his hair.

"Not the hair, Sasha," Paul said, fixing it back.

I noticed John looking at my jeans as I walked around the table and sat down. Of course, he may be looking at the little bit of tummy I was showing in between the jeans and my tied shirt.

"What are your plans today, sis?" Paul asked me.

I took a sip of my tea, "Well, I was going to go sit outside since it looks nice out and maybe write a song or two."

"I need to hear some of your songs," John smirked at me.

I smiled at him, "I need to hear some of yours too."

Paul spoke up, "Well, why don't I fix us some colas and we can go out to the garden? Maybe we can skip breakfast and go grab some lunch in a bit."

"Sounds fine to me," I said, standing from the table, "Meet you outside."

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