Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

May 2, 1964

There it was. The infamous Kenwood. Maureen and Jane had told me that it was beautiful, but I couldn't believe it as George drove through the gates and up the drive. It was a huge house. I couldn't believe that this was John's house. As I looked around at the trees and bushes and the massive garden, I thought about when John and I used to talk about what our mansion would be like when we were famous. This was exactly what we had pictured in our heads.

Today was the day of the vacation that I had reluctantly agreed to. Maureen and Jane were going off to the Virgin Islands with Paul and Ringo, and I was stuck with John and Cynthia. George had asked me if I would want to go with them on holiday last month, and I agreed because things weren't supposed to be suspicious between John and I. George and I were picking them up at their house so we could drive to the airport. I wasn't sure how this vacation would turn out, but George assured me that we would have a good time. I was also nervous about spending so much time with Cynthia. I hadn't really held a conversation with her except for in America where she learned of my past with John, and I hadn't seen her since then.

George shifted the car into park, "Let's go in and help them with their bags."

"Alright," I exhaled nervously.

George came around and opened my door for me, "Relax, Sasha. This will be fun. We'll have a great time."

I followed George up to the front door of the large home. He rang the doorbell, and we stood there and waited for someone to come to the door. I noticed that my palms had gone sweaty.

Suddenly, a lady that I didn't recognize answered the door, "Oh, George. Hello."

George walked in, and the lady stopped me as I started to walk past her, "Hi, you must be Sasha. I'm Mr. and Mrs. Lennon's nanny."

"Nice to meet you," I smiled at her.

George had waited for me. I followed him into the living room where John was tying his tie, and Cynthia was sitting on the couch watching Julian play on the floor.

"Hello, George. Sasha," Cynthia greeted us as we sat down on a couch.

I hadn't seen Julian since we all lived together in that flat and he was bigger now, but his back was turned to me. Then, he stood and waddled over to me. He had a pacifier in his mouth. I picked him up and held him in my lap and bounced my legs. As I was bouncing my legs, he smiled and laughed causing the pacifier to fall from his mouth.

"He likes you," I heard John say. It sent shivers down my spine. It shouldn't have.

I smiled at Julian, "How old is he now? He's gotten so big"

"I know! He just turned one last month," Cynthia replied.

I was struck by how much he looked like John. I thought he had when he was a tiny baby at the flat last year, but now he really did. I continued to play with and coo at him. He was a cute baby.

We visited for a few moments before George suggested that we leave before we miss our flight. George helped Cynthia carry her bags to the car. John had his bag and walked beside me slowly to the car.

"I'm excited for this holiday," he said.

"Me too," I replied.

It was weird just making small talk with John. It was weird how distant I felt from him. I felt like he was a different person.

May 20, 1964

We had been in Tahiti for a couple of weeks. George was right. The trip was fun, and now we only had a few days left. I would miss this paradise, but we were starting our tour in Australia soon. I was sat on beach by myself watching the sun come up. George and the others were still asleep in the beach bungalow that the four of us had rented. I thought about how John had been acting on this trip. He had fun but I couldn't help but notice sadness in his eyes or the way he seemed down during quiet times. I hardly ever saw him show affection to Cynthia in the same way he use to show it to me.

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