Chapter 1

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Danica POV

"You paged me Ms. Millers," The nurse smiled. I nod. 

"Is he here yet?" I ask. She gives me a small smile but shakes her head.

"Not yet miss," 

"Well when he gets here tell him to come straight to my room," She nods before leaving. I'm in Seattle Grace Hospital, no not as an intern, but as a patient. I'm supposed to be an intern but my stupid asthma. It decided to spike to the point where I passed out from the lack of oxygen. I grab my book but stop as I hear footsteps approach my room. I look over and see a very smiley Derek Shepherd. "Derek!" I squeal. 

He walks over and hugs me tightly. "What are you doing here?" He asks. I point at all the cords. "Another one?" He asks. 

"Sadly, but I'm fine. I've started taking some natural stuff and it's actually helping," He gives me an unimpressed look.

"Then why are you here in a hospital bed?" He starts flipping through my chart.

"I tried to go for a run," I say sheepishly. His eyes shoot up to look at me in disbelief. "Derek it isn't a big deal. Now as your bestest friend in the whole wide world can you please get me off this monitor, cause I need to be on the floor in exactly half an hour," I give him my signature smile. He rolls his eyes before looking over my chart once more.

"Ok, I'll get the nurse to clear you," I look at him with wide eyes. "Go," I quickly take of the cords and everything and grab my scrubs. I run into the bathroom and change. When I get out Derek is gone. I grab my bag and book and run down to the intern lockers. I talked to the nurse before coming down here and she gave me a locker. I walk inside and everyone immediately looks at me. I smile before walking over to a locker that is right beside a very cute intern. I open the locker and start putting my stuff in, despite the whispers from the other interns. 

"I-um, who are you exactly?" The cute guy asks.

"The names Danica but I go by Dani," I say with a smile. He gives a small smile but there's confusion on his face. "Well I-"

"Millers," I turn and see Bailey. "I'm glad you're able to join us. Dr. Millers was emitted into the hospital which is why she wasn't here at the beginning with the rest of you. She will be under me as well," I smile and give her a curt nod before we all follow her. 

I run up beside the cute guy. "I don't know anyone so could you just give me names?" I ask in a hushed voice. 

"Yeah, uh, that's Cristina, that's Meredith, that's Izzie, and that's Alex, oh and I'm George," I return the handshake. 

"Fools on bikes killing themselves, natural selection is what it is," Bailey grumbles. It's interesting how much anger and fierceness is bottled up in one tiny being. 

"So what's up with the nazi? Is she off her meds?" Alex asks. I gauke at Alex.

"You've never heard of the race?" I ask. He shakes his head. We continue walking as we pass Derek, the Chief, and Dr. Burke. 

"Chief, Dead Baby bike race started twenty minutes ago," Bailey informs. He sighs in annoyance. 

"Alright people! Dead Baby bike race day!" He calls out. 

"So anyways, every year this bar-"

"The Dead Baby bar," George cuts in. 

"Yes, the Dead Baby bar, every year they hold the underground bike race," I explain as I take of my white jacket and put on a yellow cover-up. 

"Don't you wonder why someone would name a bar something so disgusting?" Izzie asks. 

"Keep you panties on Nancy Drew," Cristina pokes Izzie. I chuckle. 

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