Chapter 55

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3rd POV

"Derek!" Dani breaks free of Cristina and Meredith's grasps' and runs. Without thinking, without feeling, she runs. Towards danger, yes, but also towards her best friend. Who's comforted her. Who's made her laugh. Who's been there for her when she needed him. And now he needs her, so she has to be there for him. She runs past April and towards Derek only for another shot to ring out, her steps stumbling as a shooting pain sears through her body. She looks down as the once blue scrub shirt becomes a deep crimson red. 

Despite the pain, despite the dizziness, she keeps moving, gripping onto the railing for support, her only focus on Derek. The man goes to shoot again but points his gun at April. Dani drops to the floor, her body growing weak as she crawls over to Derek who is gasping for air. She presses her hand onto his wound, holding pressure. "You can't die. You can't die," She keeps repeating the phrase as though it'll become a reality. As though Derek will become immortal and this gunshot wound will miraculously heal itself. She turns to April, her vision blurry from not only tears but from the loss of blood. "Help me,"

She just stands there pleading for her life, her voice sounding like a low hum, the words aren't clear. The next thing Dani sees is April bolt in the opposite direction. She lets out a sob as she holds pressure, tears rolling down her cheeks. "Stop helping him,"

Dani ignores the man, holding pressure and murmuring a prayer under her breath. "Stop helping him!" He yells, shaking the gun in his hand, pointing at her. 

She whips her head around to look at him. "No! I'm not gonna let you feel pride from having killed him! You don't get that!" She screams, her whole body shaking as blood runs down her leg, soaking into her pants and dripping onto the floor, mixing with Derek's blood. A door opens and they both see S.W.A.T walk in. The man glances at her before walking off. The sound of footsteps catches Dani's attention. "I need help,"

Meredith drops to her knees beside Dani, taking over in holding pressure onto Derek's chest as Dani holds pressure on her wound. "Hold on, okay? Hold on. I love you," Meredith sobs out as she looks down at Derek. "Please don't die,"

"Get outta here Meredith. Take Dani with you, she's hurt," Derek mutters out, finally able to speak. "He might shoot you too," 

"We're not leaving you," Dani coughs out. 

"Do not die! Do you understand?" Meredith asks. "I can't live without you!"

"I called the police," Cristina informs as she runs over to the crying woman and injured friends. "Oh my god, Dani," 

"Okay good, they're coming. The police are coming!" Meredith tries to sound happy. 

"Mer they're not gonna get here. They're not coming for us, not, not in time," Cristina informs as she stands and watches the scene in front of her. Cristina watches as Dani's body falls to the ground, limp, her breathing shallow. "No, Dani. They need surgery," She then runs off as Meredith yells for Derek to stay awake as Dani floats in and out of consciousness. 

"Don't.......die," She whispers before darkness overtakes her. 

Danica POV

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Danica POV

My eyes open slightly as I stare up at the ceiling of the hospital. I turn my head and see I'm still on the catwalk but Derek's gone. My hand presses against my stomach and a warm liquid coats my fingers. I'm still bleeding, I'm still dying. My eyes sting with tears as I lay there, praying Derek survived, praying Liylah will be okay without me. Maybe I'll see George, maybe I'll be with him again. "Dani!" 

Jackson's face appears over mine and I smile lightly. He picks me up and I yell out in pain as he places me down on a gurney. Other people speak but it begins to sound like a low hum once more as my eyes slowly shut, bliss silence taking over. 

Danica POV

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Danica POV

I open my eyes slightly as I slowly become conscious. I try to swallow but soon begin gagging from a tube by my throat. Someone immediately rushes in and pulls the tube out, allowing me to cough hard and take a deep breath in. "You're awake," I look up and see Mark and Callie.

"I'm awake," I smile as I look up at them with tired eyes. 

"You almost died Dani," Callie says with a sniffle, signalling she's been crying. 

"I thought I did," I say simply, not feeling much emotion at the moment. "I woke up and I was still on the catwalk, bleeding out. I thought I'd die faster but I didn't for some reason,"

"Why do you sound disappointed?" I look to the door as Callie and Mark turn around as well. Jackson stands leaning on the wall with his arms crossed.

"I'm not," I answer. It's a partial lie if I'm being honest.

"Well, it sounds like it. When I found you on the catwalk you were smiling, like you were happy you were dying,"

"I wasn't happy I was dying. I thought for just a moment, if I die, maybe I'll see George," I say simply as I look at the ceiling, avoiding his gaze. I don't need to see his sad puppy dog eyes. 

"What about everyone who'd miss you? Callie, Derek, your daughter! You laid there smiling because you thought you were dying! If you had let yourself die, that would've been completely selfish and you know that!" 

"That enough!" Callie yells at the angry surgeon. I continue looking at the ceiling despite my eyes stinging, begging to cry. 

"You need to leave Avery," Mark stands at the door, waiting for Jackson to move. I assume he does cause Mark then sits down on the edge of my bed. "I hate to admit it Dani but he has a point,"

"Don't you think I know that!?" I wince as my stomach contracts from me yelling. "I know that what I did was selfish but for once in my life, the thought of dying wasn't so scary," 

"If George were here he would've yelled at you the same way Jackson did," Callie says honestly, her arms crossed over her chest.

"He'd go red in the face like he does when he yells, this one vein in his neck popping slightly," I chuckle to myself as tears run down my cheeks. "I just wanted to see him again," 

Callie sits beside my bed, brushing the hair out of my face. "I know Dani, I know," 

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