Chapter 64

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Danica POV

"What happened?!" I run into the gallery as I watch everyone rushing around Callie's body. 

"There was fluid in her lungs and her pressure bottomed out," Mark explains I sit next to him, holding his hand in order to comfort him. I watch as Cristina takes over for Teddy. Everything seems to be going well until Callie begins to flat-line. Addison begins to put on her scrubs, threatening to take the baby out if they don't get Callie's heart back. 

Mark and Arizona stand near the glass but I can't bring myself to move from my seat. My hands shake as I mumble any prayer, any bible scripture, and any hymnal I can. Quietly crying out to God to save her. They both run out of the gallery as they take the baby out. I follow after them, washing up and putting on my cap and mask. 

I watch as Lucy and Alex try to get a heartbeat from the baby as the others finally get Callie back. Lucy still can't get the baby to breathe. Mark and I look to Arizona who takes a deep breath before moving Lucy out of the way and taking over. After a few minutes, the baby's monitor starts beeping. 

"I have a heartbeat," Arizona's voice cracks with happiness as I let out a breath I hadn't yet realized I was holding. Thank God.

A few days have gone by and Callie's doing better

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A few days have gone by and Callie's doing better. She is completely verbal but not yet mobile. I walk into her room and plop down into the chair beside her bed while I munch on some chips. "Are you finally gonna tell me what's going on?" She questions as she turns her head to me. 

"What do you mean?" 

"You haven't told me about Camilla in days," 

"Calliope, you've only been conscious a few days," I chuckle, popping another chip into my mouth. 

"Not the point. Did you guys break up?" I lower my head a bit so she can't see the disappointed look on my face. "Dani! You guys broke up!?"

"Callie it's fine. I'll be fine," 

"I'm sorry girl," She sighs as she looks at me but I avoid eye contact. "Well, at least you can get with Jackson now," 

"Callie!" My mouth hangs open at her words as she giggles quietly. "He's with Lexie," 

"They're not gonna last," 

"Calliope Iphegenia Torres! We are not praying for the downfall of Jackson and Lexie. Goodness, you're worse than Mark. A gossip fiend you are," 

"What can I say? I get bored. Now let me sleep," 

"No can do Callie girl," 

"Why it's late," She grumbles, causing me to chuckle. 

I watch as the others walk into the room. "Cause we've got a little surprise for you. Now stay still and relax okay," 

We quickly set everything up so we can move her without causing any damage. Is this against so many rules? Of course, it is. But it's fine. We quietly walk through the halls, hoping not to get caught. One of the monitors starts unnecessarily beeping causing Lexie to scramble to turn it off. "Sorry," She mouths as we all shake our heads.   

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