Chapter 7

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Danica's POV

I lean back into George, still sleeping peacefully. Despite being half awake, I stay in bed, attempting to avoid Izzie, who is trying to cook thanksgiving dinner. "O'Malley!" I shoot up in bed. George does the same, still basically asleep.

"George do you hear that?" I ask. He shakes his head before laying down, pulling me with him.

"O'Malley!" The yelling gets closer. 

"Five, four," George begins counting. "Three, two," Suddenly the door bursts open revealing three men. 

"Happy Thanksgiving!" 

"Aaah!" I scream, covering myself with the blanket. Currently wearing a white, practically see through tank top, and underwear. 

"Oh sorry Georgie," They apologize, quickly shutting the door. I sit up and look down at George.

"That's my brothers and father," He explains.

"I didn't think we'd be introducing each other to family yet George," I chuckle as he smiles up at me. I lean down and place a kiss to his lips. I get out of bed and throw on one of George's t-shirts and pull on a pair of his pajama bottoms. 

I watch as George gets dressed on the other side of the bed. I get back onto the bed and crawl over to George. He turns to look at me as I sit up on my knees, wrapping my arms around his neck. "You're leaving me alone with Izzie?" I whine.

"I would love to stay but they're dragging me with them, whether I want to or not," His hands rest on my waist. 

"I have to help Izzie make thanksgiving dinner, so you owe me later," I whisper before pressing my lips against his. I run my hands through his hair, tugging lightly. He moans lightly, causing me to smile. He pulls away, resting his forehead against mine.

"If you keep this up I might not go," I chuckle before pecking his lips and running away.

"Catch me if you can Georgie," I laugh as he chases me. I run down the stairs almost making it to the kitchen before his arms wrap around my waist, lifting me into the air. I let out a squeal before laughing. "George put me down!" 

He places me down while laughing himself. We then look and see George's father and brothers looking at us. We quickly straighten up. "H-Hey dad, hey Ronny, Jerry," 

"Well come on Georgie, there's a turkey out there with your name on it," His dad states happily. George grabs his coat and follows his dad and brothers out. I clear my throat causing him to turn around. He smiles at me before quickly kissing me. 

"I'll be back as soon as I can, pray for me," He mutters.

"Pray for me," I chuckle.

He heads to the door once more "Hey where are you going?!" Izzie yells, grabbing him just as he's out the door. 

"Every year, my father, brothers, and I, hunt, shoot and kill, a helpless, slow moving turkey. Isn't that great?" He chuckles sounding scared.

"O'Malley!" His brothers yell. Ronny grabs George from Izzie. 

"Okay but what about dinner?" Izzie asks.

"Uh, we'll have him back as soon as he kills his first bird," Jerry states.

"Pretend it's Alex, George!" I call. He smiles at me before leaving. Izzie then turns to me. "The first question is can you cook Izzie?"

"No but I have a whole bunch of cook books," She states. 

I sigh and rub my forehead. "Lord help my soul!" I then head towards the kitchen. "Peel potatoes. That's what I need you to do okay?"

"Peeling potatoes? I can do that," She smiles. I shake my head as I get the stuffing made, due to the fact that it is the easiest and can be reheated when it needs to be eaten. I begin chopping the celery when I hear the doorbell. 

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