Chapter 50

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Danica POV

Let's do something we haven't done in a while. A recap! Mark and Lexie are going through a rough patch due to Sloan jr. I understand why Lexie's upset, Sloan can be quite a handful and them being so close in age doesn't make it any better. 

I throw on a crop top and jeans, slipping on my converse last before running downstairs. "Morning Alex, morning Lexie, morning Mer, morning Izzie," I stop in my tracks, backing up slightly. "Izzie?"

"Morning," She chuckles. 

"Yeah bye," I then walk out of the house and hop on my bike. Why the hell is Izzie home? Is she trying to get Alex back? 

I pull into hospital parking lot, parking in my usual spot. Only this time, a certain blue eyes resident is standing there. He smiles at me as he step aside, letting me park. I turn off my bike and slip off my helmet. "Morning," 

"Morning," I look down at his hands and see two coffees, one regular and once iced. He hands me the iced one as I get off my bike. "Thank you," 

"You're very welcome," We then begin walking towards the hospital, side by side. 

"You do know that coffee is very feeling like right?" I ask with a smirk. 

"What? No feelings. Just sex and now coffee," 

"Sex and coffee. Sounds good," I chuckle as we walk into the residents locker. 

Danica POV

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Danica POV

I shove some fries in my mouth as I listen to everyone talk. We're eating in the cadaver lab, why? Because Meredith has a surgery today and needs to practise. Jackson is here, as are Alex and Cristina. "What are you talking about?" Alex asks, confused at what Meredith is trying to explain.

"She's on this thing--"

"If you had to choose between the thing you love, surgery, and person you love, which would you choose?" Cristina asks.

"You would choose Izzie right?" Meredith asks. I scoff and turn to look at her.

"Yeah, he would choose the same girl who chose her career over him," I chuckle dryly before turning back around. 

"No, they're gonna get back together," 

"Shut up," Alex tells her.

"Wait, why do you have to choose?" Jackson asks.

"That doesn't matter," Cristina answers. "You just do. Which is it, surgery or love?" 

"I want both," Jackson and I say in unison. My eyes widen slightly as I cast my gaze onto my sandwich and french fries. 

"That's what I said," Meredith states.

"No you--you can't have both," Cristina argues. 

"Why the hell not?" Jackson asks. 

"Why the hell is he here?" Cristina asks and I can feel the smirk on Jackson's face.

"I said he could be here because he's in the whipple too," Meredith explains. 

"Okay, once again. You cannot have both you have to choose," 

"I didn't," I say simply. "I had both and it was amazing. I never had to choose between surgery or love. They just came together," Everyone quiets down, knowing I'm talking about George.

"Okay, anyone but Dani, you have to choose," Cristina says causing me to chuckle.

"Choose what?" We turn and see Izzie walk into the room. We all quiet down, focusing on what we're doing. "Um, my pet scan got pushed back an hour, so I thought I'd, join you for lunch," 

Cristina pats the seat beside her. I turn to Jackson and discreetly point my tongue at my mouth, making a vomit face. He chuckles lightly and I do the same before turning back around. "Okay, that," Cristina says pointing at the cadaver body. "You have give up that--learning that procedure, tuning out the world until you get it, like you know, doing the procedure is the only thing that matters--"

"Cris, shut up!" I laugh. "Look the way to get both is to understand. If Owen can't understand how important your work is to you, then that's his problem not yours. You don't have to choose between love and work, you have to choose who you love, and if they're gonna understand how important your work is to you," 

"I disagree," Izzie says.

"Not surprised," I mumble under my breath.

"It's just a job. If you lose your job you get another one, there's always another one but if you lose your love, if you think you're losing your love, well suddenly nothing else matters," Izzie explains. 

"Because you have no balance. Your job was important to you and the moment you thought Alex was getting in the way of that, you left. You ran because despite all this bullshit you're spewing, love only matters when you want it to matter. So you can't disagree because I'm right. Love and work can go hand in hand with the right people. And if Alex takes you back you are one lucky bitch cause despite Alex being an ass sometimes, he's a better person than you cause when you had cancer he could've ran but he didn't. And that's why you don't deserve him," I then pop a frie into my mouth. "And you all can stop staring at me like I'm a bitch cause you all know I'm right and you've all been wanting to say the same thing," My pager goes off, signalling I gotta be in the pit. "Later guys," 

 "Later guys," 

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Danica POV

I walk into the house quietly, dropping my stuff at the door before going into the kitchen, praying there are leftovers. After a couple of minutes of rummaging through the fridge, I hear the door knock. I walk over and open the door to see Jackson with his back to the door. "Jackson, what a--"

Before I can finish my sentence, his lips are on mine, his hand resting on my neck while his other hand holds my hip. I kiss back out of instinct, our lips moving in sync. I finally pull away for air, breathing heavily. "Bye," He then runs out the door. 

"Bye?" I aks as I look out the door and see him getting in his car. 

"What was that about?" I turn and see Alex standing on the stairs. 

"I have no idea," I mutter as I lock the front door. 

"He is whipped," Alex chuckles as he walks into the kitchen. I follow behind him. 

"No he isn't. There are no feelings, just sex," I say simply. 

"Yeah, you keep telling yourself that," 

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