Chapter 43

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Danica POV

I park my motorcycle and can't help but sigh. Today is the day the Mercy Wester contaminate our hospital. With everything on my plate, this is the last thing I need today. I get off my bike and take off my helmet before high tailing towards the hospital entrance. Shit. My keys. I quickly turn around only for someone to walk right into me. I let out a squeal of surprise as I almost fall backwards but an arm around my waist stops my descent. I look up into two beautiful blue eyes, paired with nice tan skin. I immediately pull away, my eyes taking in his orange scrubs. A Mercy Wester. "Watch where you're going," I say gruffly before walking past him and over to my motorcycle. 

"A thank you would be nice," He yells over his shoulder.

"Or, just watch where you're going," I repeat as I grab my car keys and run into the hospital. I walk into the locker room and it's packed. I go to my usual locker and lucky me, Mr Ocean Eyes is right beside it. He's hasn't noticed me yet, thank god. I mumble profanities under my breath as I get ready. I slip off my top and put on my scrub shirt. I fiddle with the wedding band on my finger before slipping it off and attaching it to the chain alongside George's. 

"You can't put that in there," I turn around and see some red head putting her stuff in George's old locker. I take a deep breath and turn back towards my locker. Don't get involved, don't get involved.

"Oh, they told us to grab a cubby," 

"Yeah, I know it's just-- we keep it empty for a reason," Izzie explains calmly. "So can you just take your stuff out. There's some empty ones over there," 

"I don't think so," Okay, shut up inner voice, I'm getting involved. 

"Hey, red velvet," I say loud enough for the whole locker room to hear. "Get your stuff outta the goddamn cubby," 

"Like I said no. What are you gonna do about it?" She responds, her friend smirking beside her.

"Look, since you're new here, lemme break it down for you. I'm the kinda bitch who will punch first and ask questions later. I've knocked out guys twice your size, I wouldn't want you to have to find out how I roll. Now get your stuff out of my hus-- out of the cubby," I grab my lab coat and walk out of the locker room, my breathing increased. I walk down the hall and into Meredith's room.

"Dani? What's wrong?" She asks, looking up from her book. Meredith went through surgery and is still on bed rest. "Hey,"

I look up at her with cloudy eyes full of unshed tears. "A-she- a Mercy Wester put her stuff in George's cubby. She--she--he's really gone Mer and I can't deal with that. Not yet," 

She pats the bed and I sit down beside her, resting my head on her shoulder as she rubs my back. "It's okay to grieve Dani. It's okay to not be okay,"

"Coming from Miss Meredith 'I'm fine' Grey?" I ask with a smirk. 

"Haha very funny," She chuckles. "You're gonna be good. You know why? Cause you're strong Dani. That's what George loved about you. You're strong and you made him strong,"

"I don't have anyone to lean on. Not like I leaned on him," I say, my voice barely a whisper. 

"Well, lean on us for now. Lean on us until you find someone to lean on like you leant on George," She says softly. 

"I don't think that'll happen," I chuckle dryly as I stand up, wiping my eye lightly. 

"You don't think you'll find someone else?" Meredith asks. 

"I don't know. George, he was the one. I don't know if there's love like that out there for me anymore. I have a kid who's gonna be eight soon. That's not something that every guy wants on his plate," She nods in understanding but doesn't say anything, cause she doesn't know what to say. Hell, even I don't. 

Danica POV

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Danica POV

I run down to the pit and stand beside Cristina and multiple other residents. "Okay where do you want us?" Cristina asks Owen. 

"Uh, at this point? Anywhere is good," 

"At Mercy West we do zones. When it's super busy we give everyone a zone, a space. The nurses put a person in that space you know it's your patient. Helps you get to 'em quicker," 

"Welcome to Seattle Grace, we don't do zones," I say simply with a fake smile plastered to my face. He smirks at me with a taunting look. Ouu, he's gonna get on my nerves real quick. 

"I like it," 

"What?" I ask in confusion as Owen agrees with the Mercy Wester. 

"It's a good idea. Let's try it. What's your name?" 

"Jackson Avery," 

"Dr Avery, Dr Hunt," Owen says while shaking his hand. "It's all yours zone away," He then walks off as the Mercy Westers go get zones. 

"That did not just happen. Is Owen-- I can't today," I grumble before running after the bright orange residents. After a couple minutes I finally get a patient only for Ocean Eyes to be breathing down my neck. "You know there are other patients right?" I ask with slight angst in my tone. 

"Yeah but there aren't enough to go around so, you seem nice enough to share with,"

"You think you're funny. I almost punched out miss strawberry shortcake in the locker room and you think I'm nice," I turn around and realize just how close he is. He looks down at me, the smirk still on his face.

"You're thick skinned, it's hot," He says simply. I roll my eyes before turning around, only to have Cristina take the case chart out of my hands. 

"Cristina Yang, devuélveme mi caso!," (Cristina Yang, give me back my case) I scold but she ignore me and runs after the patient. The next paramedic hands me someone else's chart. 

"His buddy's got a lacerated palm," 

"I'm not his buddy! He touched my little girl, my baby!" The man yells as the paramedic leads him to the bed. Why do I always get rowdy patients. 

"She's not a baby. She's nineteen years old. There ain't a scrap of baby left Don!" The next man, Frank, yells. I focus on my patient as he sits down on the bed, the paramedic still holding him. 

"Sir, I need you to hold still so I can look at your palm," 

"He came at me with a carving knife! He tried to cut off my--"

"Come on! I was gesturing! You ran into the knife. You're an idiot and a pervert. She used to babysit your brats. I can't believe I let her in your house!" Don yells. 

"I love her Don! I love her and she loves me," 

"I'm gonna kill him," He gets up quickly and tries to run at Frank, bumping me back slightly. Ocean eyes gets in front of him.

"Easy, alright?" 

"Let him die! Just let him die! It's what he deserves!" Don yells angrily before sitting down.

"Can you shut him up?" Cristina asks.

"If I shut him up I'm gonna lose my job," I grumble irritated already. Today is gonna be a long ass day. 

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