Chapter 15

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Danica's POV

Meredith and I walk into Denny's room after getting a page from George, saying it was an emergency. He quickly shuts the door behind us. "We got George's page, he said it was an emergency. What's going on?" I ask.

"You paged Meredith and Dani?" Izzie asks while using some sort of pump on Denny. He was fine this morning, what the hell happened?

"We need help!" 

"What the hell is going on?" Meredith and I ask.

"What the hell is going on?" Cristina asks as she walks in, closing the door behind her.

"Exactly what we said," Meredith tells her.

"She cut his LVAD wires," George informs.

"You what?!" I exclaim.

"What do you mean you cut his LVAD wires?" Meredith asks.

"Are you trying to kill him?' Cristina asks.

"I'm trying to save him," Izzie defends, her voice sounding hoarse, as though she's been crying a lot. "All I have to do is confirm that his condition is worse, and then Burke can call U.N.O.S and he'll move up on the list and he will get his heart,"

"About Burke--" Cristina gets cut off by George.

"She's gone insane right? It's not just me?"

"About Burke--"

"Everything will be fine!" Izzie yells. I run my hands through my hair. "When Burke gets here , everything will be fine. He will know what to do,"

"About Burke--"

"What?!" George asks.

"He's been shot," We all look at Cristina so fast, I'm pretty sure I have whiplash. 

Danica's POV

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Danica's POV

George has taken over pumping Denny's heart while Izzie and Cristina both pace around the room. "Burke's not coming?' Izzie asks.

"Cristina are you okay?' Meredith asks. 

"I'm fine, I'm fine,"

"Burke's not coming?"

"Why didn't I take the internship in San Diego?" George asks himself. "None of this would be happening if I was in San Diego,"

"Why didn't I just become a teacher?" I mumble. 

"Burke's not coming?" 

"No Izzie, Burke is not coming," Cristina finally says. "I know you're having problems here, what, with your possible murder charges and your unbelievably stupid idea about stealing a heart, but Burke's kinda busy right now," 

"Denny's gonna die," Izzie states. "Denny's gonna die and I killed him,"

"You shouldn't have done it!"

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