Chapter 20

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Danica's POV

I wake up to an annoyed scream. Most likely Izzie. I roll out of bed, landing on the floor with an oof. I rub my ass as I walk out my room only to run into Alex. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Moving in," He answers.

"What!?" I ask. "You're moving in? Where exactly?"

"Georgie's room," He chuckles. I groan annoyed, heading back into my room. I change into my outfit for the day, which is just a hoodie and track pants. I open the door after grabbing my keys, phone, and buzzer. I come face to face with Derek who mumbles a good morning, before hopping onto my bed. I roll my eyes before walking past Alex and Izzie, into Meredith's room. I hop on the bed beside her and lay my head on her chest. She wraps her arms around me.

"You know you don't have to lay down with me every morning," Meredith chuckles.

"I need to make sure you're breathing after you decided to die on us," I joke, but I'm lowkey serious. When Meredith died it scared the crap out of me. I sit up and give her a kiss on the forehead. "I'll make you some coffee,"

"Thank you," She smiles.

Danica's POV

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Danica's POV

"He is in George's room," Izzie continues her rant from this morning. "And when George's stupid marriage crashes and burns, he's gonna wanna move back in and he won't be able to. His life will be in a shambles, he'll finally notice that his dad is dead and he made a fool out of himself by marrying someone he doesn't really love, and --"

"Oh, Izzie for the love of god and all that is holy, shut up!" I exclaim as I pull my shirt down over my head.

"Thank you," Meredith mutters.

"Hey, look who found some clothes," Alex points out.

"Shut it," Izzie grumbles. I chuckle lightly.

"How you doing?" George asks Meredith.

"Okay, everybody, let's do this once," Meredith announces. "I'm fine. She's cremated, I picked out a beautiful urn, and she's hanging out in the back of my closet. Anymore questions about my dead mother or can we get back to work?"

We all let out a string of okays. "Does anyone know who the new chief candidate is?" Cristina asks.

"The Chief's bringing in a ringer in case he doesn't want to give the job to either of your boyfriends," George jokes.

"Haha, so funny O'Malley," I roll my eyes.

"O'Malley you're with Shepherd. Yang, Doctor Montgomery. Stevens to the clinic. Karev, Jane-Doe. Millers, Sloan. Grey, scut,"

"Once again, I'm fine,"

"You can tell everybody you're fine till you're blue in the face. Your mom died and you almost joined her. You're taking it easy," I chuckle as I throw on my lab coat. I walk outside in attempt to find Mark. I jump slightly as a pair of arms wrap around my waist.

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