Chapter 67

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Danica POV

"Alright baby girl, first day at a new school and I know things can be scary and I know it might be weird at first but if at any point you want me to come get you, just go to the office and call me and I promise I—" 

"Mom, I'll be ok," She kisses my cheek before running off. My heart clenches nervously in my chest before I take a deep breath and turn around. I get on my motorcycle and ride down to the hospital, already getting close to being late.

I run inside after parking my bike, skidding into the change room and changing as fast as I can. My pager begins going off, 911 PIT. "I'm coming, hold your horses," I slip on my running shoes before sprinting down to the pit, barely dodging multiple nurses and wheelchairs. 

I put on my yellow cover up, tying it as I run into the room where Jackson is. "Where the hell were you?" 

"Being an anxious mom, cut me some slack please," My voice is soft as I huff, slipping on my gloves as my chest rises and falls rapidly. "What have we got?" 

"Guy who's ear has been torn off and he's been trampled," Yeesh. I stand on the other end side of the examination table, taking a listen to his chest while Jackson looks at the ear. 

"So, where's the ear?" I question, my stethoscope still pressed against the patient's chest as I speak to his friend. 

"Well, we looked around on the floor for a while, but it's probably, like, stuck to some stormtrooper's boot," He answers sheepishly, still clutching some toy that he has. 

The patient winces once more before speaking. "At least we got what we came for. We got a TARDIS," He chuckles softly despite his immense pain. 

"Well...I got a TARDIS," The friend clutches the box in his arms. 

"Oh for goodness sake," I mumble, looking over at an equally unimpressed Jackson. 

Danica POV

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Danica POV

"Give me my TARDIS!" Our patient, Keith, who's lost his ear is currently screaming with his friend. Derek strolls back in, Alex in tow. 

"It's not yours! I fought for it!" Greg argues, clutching the toy like his life depends on it. 

"Karev please," Derek sounds exhausted as he speaks, Alex listening and guiding Greg out of the room. 

"No, he's stealing my TARDIS," Keith whines. "Just stop him," 

Jackson pushes Keith back down so his head is once again resting on the pillow. "Your ear has lost all of it's soft tissue but—"

"We'll be able to construct an entirely new ear," Mark begins speaking, talking over Jackson who's quieted down. I shake my head in disappointment, my fingers pinching the bridge of my nose. "We'll take cartilage from your ribs and match it to the exact size and shape of your existing ear. It's a long process but when we're finished, that ear will look good. Anything you want to add, Avery?" 

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