Chapter 10

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Danica's POV

I wake up to the sound of Doc barking. I groan as I hear the sounds of George's terrified screaming as well. I hop out of bed and walk outside the room. "Doc! Crate, now!" I yell at the obnoxiously loud canine. 

Meredith walks over to the cowering dog. "Don't yell at him," She crouches down petting the dog. "Who's a good boy? Who's such a good boy?"

I roll my eyes at her antics. "I had five more minutes to sleep but I was woken up by George screaming,"

"Sorry," I look over to the bathroom where George and Izzie are standing, most likely hiding from the dog.  "We need to talk about the dog,"

"That's not a dog. It's a hyena escaped from the zoo, dressed in dog's clothing," Izzie sneers. 

"Whatever. I don't chew up his clothes. I don't urinate on his bed. I don't try to mount his girlfriend from behind," George lists all the reasons he doesn't like Doc. 

"People. He's our dog. We love our dog," 

"No Mer. He's your dog. I don't even like dogs. I've never had a dog. I had ferrets!" I exclaim. Walking back into my room to get dressed. I change into my track pants and shoes. I take off my pajama shirt, leaving me in my bra. I hear a pitter patter but ignore it until next thing I know, I'm on the floor with Doc humping me. "George!" I yell out, trying to pry the dog off me. I watch as George runs into the room.

"Not again," He gets the dog off me before pushing it out of the room and shutting the door. We sit in silence for a second before George turns to me. "You had ferrets?" 

"Yes," I answer, getting on my hoodie and grabbing my bag, while putting my hair in the ponytail. "I didn't like rats or gerbils but I thought ferret were cute. And fun," 

"I'd prefer a ferret over the dog," George grumbles

"I'd prefer a ferret over the dog," George grumbles

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Danica's POV

"Listen up people, new year new rules," We all stand around, listening to Chief Webber give a speech. "Or should I say, new year, and we will be enforcing the rules mandated by the residency review committee," He explains. "There were too many mistakes made last year. Fatigue played too big a role. Exceeding eighty hours of work per week will not be tolerated,"

"Does that mean we actually get to have a life?" George whispers. 

"Possibly," I shrug. We focus back on the Chief.

"Sullivan, you were on call for twenty eight hours. Leave when you hit thirty," He looks back at his list. "Grey, you were here until two am last night. See you at noon,"

We all disperse. "This is weird," 

"I know right," George agrees. 

"I don't know what it means to have a life," I mutter as we walk to rounds. We walk into a patient's room.

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