Chapter 34

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Danica POV

We all stand in the doorway of the living room, looking at Derek, who is currently sitting on the couch with a box of Crispy Puffs in his arms. He lost a patient and had a lawsuit fired at him, very fast. "Dude, he is fried," Alex comments.

"He is not fried," Meredith argues. "He lost a patient and got hit with a lawsuit all in one week. He just needs time," 

"He's been sitting there for three days," Alex counters. "The sofa cushions are gonna start binding to his ass," I stifle a laugh as I place down the box I had. 

"I can't beleive you're moving out," Lexie sighs while looking at me. 

"I'm engaged, George and I need our own place," I laugh. "Bye Derek. Take a shower!" I yell before walking out of the house and hopping on my motorcycle. I grab a coffee for George, he was on-call last night so I know he'll be tired. 

Danica POV

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Danica POV

"What is this patient x thing?" Meredith asks. "And why is it taking all the interns?"

"And when will it be over?" Cristina asks. 

"I need my interns," I groan as I lean my head on George's shoulder. He kisses my head which makes me smile. 

"Some new teaching thing," Alex explains, referring to patient x. 

"You know, we're all killing ourselves to get into the O.R., when's the last time Izzie held a scalpel?" Cristina asks. And now that she's mentions it, I don't remember. "She's falling behind. She's like the new O'Malley," 

"Izzie's nothing like O'Malley," Alex counters. 

"Guys, quick insulting my soon to be husband in front of my soon to be husband," I mutter looking at my paperwork. 

"Okay. O'Malley, Millers, you're in the clinic, Grey and Yang, you're with me. Karev you're in the pit with Hunt," Bailey begins giving instructions as she walks up to the five of us. 

"Oh no, Doctor Bailey, I'm supposed to be on trauma today," Cristina corrects. 

"Save it Yang. Hunt wants Karev," I grab George's hand and we make our way down to the clinic. 

"Wanna know something funny?" I ask as I swing our connected hands slightly. 

"What?" He asks, smiling at me. 

"I am so happy lately. We're moving in together, we're getting married, the whole enchilada," I giggle slightly. "Doctor O'Malley, you have me giggling," 

He lets go of my hand and wraps an arm around my shoulder. "I love you so much," 

 "I love you so much," 

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Danica POV

I pop an m&m into my mouth as I lean against George. My eyes scan the page as we both read. A sigh brings my atention away from the book as I see Izzie. I suppress an eye rolls as I tap George. "Maybe Cristina is right. Maybe trying to teach the interns is pointless,"

George scoffs. "Please. Don't listen to Cristina. She thinks just because you'd rather teach than take out a gall bladder, that you're the knew me," 

Izzie laughs dryly. "O'Malley, the sequel," 

"O'Malley 2.0," George laughs. These two are weird as hell. 

"You read more journals, and do more research, and log more hours in the skills lab than any other resident here," Izzie points out. I then tune the both of them out. I close my eyes and ry to catch at least five minutes of sleep, their voices now a low buzz in the back of my brain. 

Danica POV

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Danica POV

I stretch with a groan as I look around at my new apartment. Full of boxes with a bed in the room. I smile as I feel arms wrap around my waist. "We have a home," George whispers against my ear.

"Our new home," I whisper as I look around at the decent apartment. 

This was a filler chapter which is why it is so short. My bad.

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