Chapter 56

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Danica POV

I stand in the hospital lobby waiting for Derek, who has just arrived. I glare at my best friend with a level of hatred that could kill a large herd of elephants. Ever since he almost died, he's now deciding to drive like a fucking maniac.

Everyone applauds as Derek walks up the stairs, saying thank you's and all that. "It's great to be back. First of all I'd like to thank Doctor Webber for stepping up in my absence," Everyone applauds once more, some people hollering and cheering. "Um, I'm grateful for all of you, for all of your support during my recovery. Thank you. Uh, it's just, uh, so great to be back as Chief. I'm grateful for the uh," He pauses as he studies the chart in his hands, clearly more concerned about it. "I'm sorry, that's a lie. That's what people say and uh, the truth is, I hate being Chief. I hate it. "Chief Webber. Chief Webber is our Chief. And I'm sorry but this giant....sorry I gotta go look at this chordoma. I um, I'm sorry but, I quit,"

This guy is gonna make me call his mother. I sigh, running my hands through my hair, tugging on the roots in frustration. My eyes catch a glimpse of Jackson but he looks away almost immediately. He's been avoiding me, no, ignoring me, since the incident. "I'm on my way to get cleared for surgery, wish me luck," I grumble to Callie and Arizona before making my way to Andrew Perkins, the colossal pain in my ass.  

"Doctor Millers, right on time," 

"I'm gonna level with you. I've been through the whole trauma evaluation thing so could you just clear me and let me go on with my day?" I ask bluntly as I sit down in my chair. 

He chuckles before looking up from his papers. "You seem a lot angrier than the last time I saw you," 


"Does anyone have anything to say?" Andrew asks, looking at the group of us who are all sitting in chairs, in a circle. My leg bounces in my chair as my finger taps on my unmoving leg. "I know that a lot of you are only here because this has been mandated. So, let's talk," 

Everyone stays silent despite Andrew's words. I sip my coffee as my eyes stay focused on the ugly striped carpet on the floor. "Anything at all?"

"I ate a really good taco," Cristina pipes up. I turn my attention to her, trying not to laugh as she talks about a completely different topic that what we're supposed to be talking about.

"From one of those trucks by the side of the road?" I ask with a tilt of my head.

"Yeah, you've tried them?" I nod before taking another sip of my coffee, tucking my legs under me. 

"When?" Meredith asks.

"Last night, you were asleep," Cristina answers. 

"Which truck? The one on seventh?" Jackson asks.

"I wanna go. I like tacos," Alex adds.

"Me too," April agrees. 

"I read a book," We all turn to Lexie as she changes the topic of our conversation. "About the history of mass murders in the U.S. That's--that's the actual name of what happened to us. It was a mass murder. You can't call it a terrorist attack because the murders weren't political in nature and we weren't the victims of a serial killer because Mister Clark would've had to murder several people over a period longer than thirty days in order to qualify as a serial killer," 

We all stare at the girl with confusion, all being slightly uncomfortable. " We could call it a spree killing which is defined as killing at two or more locations with no break of pause in between, because Mister Clark shot that guy in his car before he got here. But I'm not sure that that counts as a true second location since it was so close to the hospital, which means we were a mass murder, because it happened at one place, by one person, and more than four people were killed," 

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