Chapter 25

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Danica's POV

I run outside the hospital making a beeline for Addison. "Addie!" I squeal, jumping into her arms and almost taking her down. 

"Jesus Dani," Addison chuckles. 

"I missed you," I smile. 

"I missed you too,"

"You're back," We turn to see Bailey.

"No, I'm not back. I just have a surgery," She explains with a smile.

"Okay," Bailey smiles. "Uh, charts, labs, uh security key card, and key to the Doctor's lounge," Bailey hands her all of the following. 

"Oh look. They used my old picture," She chuckles. "It's like I never left,"

"Addie. You're back," Chief smiles. She hugs him.

"I am not back,"

"Oh you're back. You're gonna smell the stink and sweat of surgery, and you're gonna be back," Chief reassures. 

"See? Nothing ever changes around here," Addison laughs. 

"Things change," Bailey chuckles.

"Welcome back," I sing, hugging her once more. "I'm gonna be late for rounds. Talk later," I yell as I run back inside. I manage to find my interns all crowded up together, "O'Malley," I wave him over.

He walks over at me smiling. "Hey what's up?"

"Nothing much, just wanted to know how the apartment is and to thank you for inviting me to your party last night. I had fun. Did everyone else have fun, cause like, I don't really think they want to party with their boss," George and the other interns invited me to a party at Joe's last night. It was a lot of fun. George and Izzie are.....I don't even know what's going on with them.

"Yeah, they had a lot of fun. The girls think you're cool and the guys do too," I sigh in relief at his words. "So are you still coming to Joe's with us after work?" 

"Um is everyone else okay with that?" He turns to everyone.

"You guys cool with Dani coming tonight?"

They let out a chorus of yeah's. "Thanks guys but we should get to rounds," 

 "Thanks guys but we should get to rounds," 

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Danica's POV

George sits down beside me with his lunch tray in hand. I grab his pudding while he grabs my banana. "What was that about?" Izzie asks, referring to the conversation that Lexie just had with George. "More special plans with your special friends?"

"Izzie he's allowed to have friends," I mutter before eating some of my pudding. Izzie likes to control people, it's another obnoxious thing to add to the list of why I hate her. 

"I would like us to talk today. I would like us to talk because.. I care," Cristina states, sitting down at the table. "And I, uh, want to know things and I-I-I have fifteen minutes to hear about your feelings. So, uh Alex. Alex you look thoughtful. I'm very interested to hear, I mean, what are your thoughts?" I furrow my eyebrows at Cristina, wondering why she was acting so weird.

Alex just stares at her. "No. Uh, Izzie, uh, your thoughts, your feelings?" She asks the blonde. 

"Honestly?" Izzie asks.


"I'm a little worried about my friend Alex here because his jane doe girlfriend keeps showing up like something out of fatal attraction," Izzie also thinks she has a right to be in people's business, just because they're her friends. 

"Her name is Rebecca Pope," Alex informs, sounding rather annoyed with Izzie. "And she's not my girlfriend," 

"Really? You guys haven't had sex?" Izzie asks, not buying his statement. "At all? Recently?"

"She's married. She has a husband,"

"Well does it hurt that she's married?" Cristina asks. I lean closer to George.

"Sometimes I wonder, if I was a teacher, would I be listening to these conversations?" He laughs at my statement. I watch as Izzie quickly looks at us then back to the conversation at hand. 

"So uh, is Izzie coming to Joe's tonight?" I ask in a whisper. "Cause from what I hear, the interns don't really like her,"

"Yeah, I've been told that I need to tell her she can't come,"

"Ouch," I say with a small smirk. 

"It's not funny,"

"Yeah it kinda is," I laugh. 

"So Alex, does it hurt your heart that she's married?" Cristina asks.

"What is wrong with you?" Meredith asks.

"I'm trying to talk girl,"

"Well, ya coded," Izzie laugh before looking over at George. "Right?" I lean my head on George's shoulder and laughter falls from my lips. "What? It's new slang, everybody's saying it,"

"The way you just said that, that was you coding," George laughs. 

Danica's POV

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Danica's POV

"Whoo!" I cheer as one of my darts hits the middle. "Take a shot O'Malley," 

"Yeah, yeah," George chuckles taking a shot. "Alright my turn," I watch as he takes out the three darts, maintaining eye contact while he walks to his spot. I take a sip of my beer as I watch him shoot two out of the three darts in the middle. "Shots Dani," He chuckles. 

"Yeah, yeah," I laugh as I down the two shots. We watch and cheer as the others take their turns. George walks up behind me, his hands resting on waist as he brings his lips to my ear.

"You having fun?"

"Yes I am," I laugh.

Sorry this chapter was so short, it's more of a filler chapter. 

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