Chapter 33: S-class Trials

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One week later

Natsu's POV

We had gone to the Hargeon Port and boarded a ship which took us to the Tenrou Island. I groaned as my motion sickness started to kick but thanks to Wendy, who healed me. I was jumping the whole ride.

"Wendy, if you can heal this motion sickness, that means Y/n can, too?" I asked her.

She smiled, "Of course she can. Her healing magic is so skilled than mine."

I looked at her, dumbfounded. Y/n always had the formula to stop my motion sickness, and she didn't do anything about it. That's so mean.

Happy laughed. Gray was as dumbfounded as me.

"You mean, Y/n could've given a stop to all of his disgusting vomitings, and we wouldn't have to watch him or hear him puke his guts outs through the train window?"

"I guess..." She said.

"Damn, Y/n's evil." He commented. I nodded my head, restlessly in response.

After a while, we reached our destination. Tenrou Island.

Gramps explained its historical importance to us. Our first master, Mavis Vermillion, was born here and her grave was also located here. He went on to explain our first task, which was to choose from eight different paths. Among those eight paths, four paths led to each other where the teams had to fight each other. The rest four paths had the four S-class mages whom we had to fight with and win.

I went for the path "E" since E is for Erza which made quite a sense for me.

Y/n's POV

I sat at the stone as I waited for someone to come.

I pouted, "Mini, why isn't anyone here? I'm growing bored."

She sighed, "Yeah. Me too."

Suddenly my ears perked up as I heard footsteps and two people talking. I couldn't make it out who.

"Is someone coming, Y/n?" Mini said, excited for a battle.

"Yup and I think I know who," I smirked.

I'm sorry, Levy, but you are not going without a lesson. Let's see how you do on my test.

Gajeel and Levy appeared from the corners as sweat beaded from their foreheads as they stared as me sitting on a big stone with Mini on my lap. A wide smirk appeared on my lips while they felt a shudder on their spines, watching me.

3rd Person's POV


Levy McGarden and Gajeel Redfox vs Y/n L/n

Natsu Dragneel and Happy – Guildarts Clive

Lucy Heartfilia and Cana Alberona – Freed Justine and Bickslow

Juvia Lockser and Lisanna Strauss – Erza Scarlet

Elfman Strauss and Evergreen – Mirajane Strauss

Mest Gryder and Wendy Marvell - Gray Fullbuster and Loke

Y/n's POV

I jumped from my seat, and I lifted an eyebrow. "So, shall we start?" I said, simpering.

I closed my eyes as they turned green when I opened them. My hair ends turned green. I rose my hands in the sky as a green aura was felt throughout the room, making all the stones tremble and fly in the sky. Rocks bigger than all of us rose in the sky in my command as I saw the two of them gazing at it with amazement while they readied their own defence spell.

I closed my fists as all of the stones stopped mid-air. There were at least a fifty of them, all of them huge than us. I smiled and let my fists out, making all the stones fall on the ground in rapid force.

"Solid Script: Shield"

"Iron Dragon's Club"

Levy created a shield for her and Gajeel, but Gajeel fought the stones with his hands that were transformed in an iron made club. He managed to fight almost all of them. But too dumb of them to think, that was my attack, it was only a coy. I attacked with another spell.

"Earth Dismantle," I said as the ground started shaking as it broke in pieces. Both of them jumped as Gajeel took Levy's hands, helping her through the mess.

After they reached a safe place, Gajeel attacked with an Iron Dragon's Roar. I summoned a huge shield that not only blocked me but was huge enough to block the entire area, it absorbed the attack, and I let it out back at them, but Gajeel ate it.

I carried the shield and swung it, summoning a huge sword in place of it as it hit them. They flew away by the impact. I unsummoned the sword and waited for them to get back on their feet. Gajeel's t-shirt was all torn out, so was Levy's dress. I smiled. Impressive. They were not backing down.

"Iron Dragon's Lance: Demon Logs"

"Solid Script: Oil"

Oil? The grounds filled with greasy oil as I lose my foot balance and fall, making me oblivious to Gajeel's spell.

I healed my leg that was fractured by my leg being bent the wrong way at my fall. I groaned as I tried to stand up. I looked at them. My left eye turned yellow as my right eye turned white. My hair ends turned yellow.

"Fire and Air Combo: Raid," I said.

It all happened so fast. That when the smoke cleared, Gajeel and Levy were in the ground, coughing. They stood up.

"It's time we start the real fight. Don't you think? Get ready with your most powerful spells. Remember it's two of you and one of me. Act smart and fight strong. Remember that. Now, I'm going to go full-on. Prepare yourselves. Am I understood?"

They nodded.

I closed my eyes as the whole place trembled like a big earthquake was going to hit any minute. The wind started howling, loudly, making it hard for anyone to stand. The temperature increased, but there was a chill in the air. As the seconds passed, the environment got worse.

"We give up" I heard Levy say.

My eyes opened in shock. Both of them were on their feet as they looked at my surprised expression. The environment went back to normal.

"STAND UP!" I ordered.

"W-we give up," Gajeel said.

"Shut up and stand up," I demand

"We can't win."

"Yeah, you can't. So what? In the S-class missions, you feel overwhelmed, it doesn't mean that you lower your head and let the enemy finish you. That's absurd even thinking about it. Once in your life, you will feel the gushing fear that makes you want to abandon everything, every value in your life and lower your head and run away. But that is not what we do. It is okay to be afraid, sometimes. Without fear, we aren't human. But despite the fear, if you fight that's what makes you a true hero. Remember: Never give up. No matter who the enemy is. If they're wrong, they're wrong. You don't fight for yourself on the battlefield. You fight for the thousand people relying on you to bring justice. When you're surrendering, you are not risking your life but a thousand others who relied on you to save their lives. It is okay to be weak but never to be a coward."

"I don't think you're ready for the test, Levy. You fa—"

"No. We won't surrender. We're going to fight." Gajeel said, bravely, standing up. Levy nodded as she stood up, too.

I look at them in astonishment as my mouth curves into a smile.

"Great, then. On your positions. Go." I said.  

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