Chapter 73: Re-union With Her Family

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Valerie's POV

"Y-Y/n, hello, daughter, it's been a long time. I-I, um, your dad and I, we were just—"

"Helping the Tartaros to end magic and your sweet daughter with it," I completed. They looked stunned and speechless.

"I know Y/n won't do it. She is a sissy, but I, on the other hand, I love to torment. I feast on it. I am alive because of it. I should start by thanking you guys because of whom I'm here. I exist thanks to you and thanks to me, you won't," I said, summoning a sword.

"Stop!" a voice boomed as the person ran and pulled my hand rather tightly. I turned to face Natsu.

Natsu's POV

"What do you want?" she hissed.

"I'm not letting you kill innocent people," I shouted.

"Who said they were innocent? Right, my sweet mom and dad?" she pouted innocently.

I looked at the people she was about to kill. They were shaking and cowering in fear. And she seemed to love it, every bit of it.

They turned to me, "Please, save us, she's lying. We don't know her. We have never had a daughter. We tried, but we couldn't bear one," the woman said, crying as Valerie looked at her in disgust. I sympathized with the woman.

"How much can you fall? Aren't you ashamed? You ruined my life. You're the reason I exist. I know I should be grateful for that, but Y/n or Valerie, we're both the same person, and you hurt us. You left us. You only wanted us for our magic. Because of you, we were taken by the people of the Tower of Heaven where we were It was like hell, and then we met our dad. I was about to disappear as I had finally found peace, but he left. He abandoned, and years later—" she paused "it only got worse, way worse, and everything started because of you, you bitch. You are the reason there are two of us. You are the reason everything went wrong, you greedy monsters. And after all, you've done, why are you still here?"

She was crying. I could feel it. Both Y/n and Valerie were there. Both of them were speaking.

In the end, Y/n was only there as she sobbed, "What do you want from me, now?" she shouted.

The woman smirked, "You piece of shit, who are you to insult us? If you had shown your power before none of this would have happened. We would have never left and cherished you forever. We would've been the perfect family you believed us to be. It would have been great, but you trash, you ruined it all, didn't you? I'd rather not have a daughter like you than go through all the things you put me through. You ruined our dream. I had to endure nine months of labour, and your whining made me want to strangle you, but I kept still, thinking about the big dream, but you were a failure. You have the power, and you can't even control it? What a joke! Just die, you ugly monster! You will be the end of humanity. The Empress?" she spits "You're not the Empress. You're the devil in disguise. You manipulate others, you are the worst of all. Just die, die right now and do humanity a favour. You mon—"

My eyes widened. Blood spilt from her mouth. Her husband watched in horror as Y/n pierced right through her heart. Tears falling from her e/c eyes, but a smile etched in its way on her lips.

"It was so hard, and now it's finally over," she turned over to her dad, "You deserve the same fate, Robert,"

Before the man could speak, she sliced through his throat, leaving a pool of blood behind. She fell on her knees, crying. I leaned down to comfort her. Her eyes turned to Acnologia and Igneel, who were fighting as she watched with sorrow in her eyes.

"I didn't want things to end like this. I really didn't Natsu. I just realized that the bad feeling I was feeling was not the return of Tartaros but what will happen now. It hurts, Natsu. When I entered the Angel Empress mode, I felt a terrifying prophecy approaching. It was the same feeling I felt before Tartaros came but it was stronger. I didn't see what it was cause I was too scared. But whatever happens, you'll stay with me, right, Natsu? Please," she sobbed.

I nodded, without a second thought, "Of course, I will, we are best friends after all," I grinned as she hugged me, crying in my chest as I pat her back to comfort her.

I know this chapter is short with only 771 words but in my defense I'm sleepy AF. I wouldn't be up this late but thanks to my Math homework that I procrastinated to do the whole frickin' day, here I am. I need to wake up in like 5 and a half hour so I'm gonna go sleep Night night.

And yeah, Vote. I don't have internet so I'm just stalling time right now. It will come back any second. I'll sure as hell regret writing this but in defense I was bored and sleeeeepy. I don't think straight not that I think straight any other time. Oh, I'm bored. The internet's back, bitches. Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Vote, comment below. I might actually sleep the whole day after I attend my 10 AM class. But, I'll try posting tomorrow. 

Adiós, Buenas noches! (I am not Spanish btw)

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