Chapter 57: The Night Finally Starts

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3rd Person's POV

Midnight soon hit, signalling the beginning of July 7. The Guilds are kept separate, with each one covering a specific section of Crocus, and Fairy Tail keeping watch in the town square. Although several of Fairy Tail's Mages are healed, courtesy of Sherria and the King's soldiers, all are experiencing unease, as the Eclipse has begun. Deep underground, as the Eclipse Gate opens above, Natsu and Future Rogue continue to battle, with Future Rogue continuously declaring that he will kill Y/n. After sending Natsu flying with a powerful spell, Natsu, enraged, enter Lightning Fire Dragon Mode and screams his unwillingness to let Future Rogue do as he wishes, before attacking him. Although much of the surrounding area is destroyed by the lightning, Future Rogue remains unharmed, and, expressing his delight at seeing Natsu's hidden power, blinds the Fire Dragon Slayer before he can attack again. As the light subsides, Future Rogue enters White Shadow Dragon Mode.

Before Natsu can react, Future Rogue rushes past him, and delivers a fatal slash to his side, before ultimately defeating Natsu with his White Shadow Dragon's Rough Silk. Falling to the ground, helpless against Future Rogue's combined usage of light and shadows, Natsu weakly marvels at the light that Future Rogue is utilizing, and the Shadow Dragon Slayer gleefully explains that he killed the Sting of his time-period to attain such power, though he notes that his present-self has yet to do such a thing for a very long time. When Natsu asks if Future Rogue was always as heartless as he is now, he replies that he was, but, before he can deliver the killing strike, Ultear and Meredy arrive, with Ultear attacking Future Rogue with her Flash Forward. The man from the future, however, turns into a shadow and flees the scene. As Ultear orders Meredy to prepare the first aid, she watches, in horror, as Natsu is slowly being devoured by shadows.

Y/n's POV

"I think it will all be fine and our future will be safe now that the gates are opening, right, Y/n? Now, the Future Lucy can rest in peace," Wendy said in hope.

"Yeah, she can. But, I'm sorry," I said, bangs covering my eyes. I walked towards the Eclipse Gate.

"Why?" Wendy asked, confused.

"I will close the Gates. The Eclipse Gate needs to be closed," I declared, stopping in front of the Gates.

"No, the Eclipse Cannon is the only weapon against the Dragons approaching," Hisui said.

"I'm sorry to say but there is no such thing as 'The Eclipse Cannon'. All of this is just a fraud created by the man claiming to be Rogue from the future," I stated.

"No, no, that is not true. The Eclipse Gate itself is the cannon and our only hope to fight those dragons," she denied, blocking my path.

"I am the Dragon Empress. I know that opening the gate will lead to all of our future problems. You can ask Lucy if you like. She is a Celestial mage and she'd probably know if there was something called an 'Eclipse Cannon'," I said. Hisui turned to Lucy who denied knowing about such a thing.

"The Gate connects us to the Fiore of 400 years ago," Lucy said.

"Please, Princess, move before it's too late. We need to close the Gate right away. The Gate is merely a pathway to travel through time. The Gate was never a cannon used for defence," I pleaded.

"No, the Gate is our only—" Suddenly a huge, terrifying tremor was felt. My eyes widened.

"I-It can't be," Wendy and Lucy said in unison.

"It's too late," I said in shock. Tears flooded my eyes. I was too late. I only had one thing to do. Why was everything going wrong?

Hisui started crying, "What have I done?" As she fell to her knees, Arcadios quickly came and caught her as all of us watched in horror.

"The Gateway isn't a defence from the dragons but a pathway for them to enter. The Gate is the reason for the said human extinction," I said.

A huge dragon came from the door. And after that, another Dragon came. I could only watch in horror.

"How do we stop this?" Lucy asked.

"The lever, come on, let's pull it. You can use your Celestial Magic and I will use what's left of mine," I said, running towards the pedestal.

Lucy tried to reach the lever, pushing past the power of the Dragons behind the door. I summoned my Celestial Key but got instantly thrown away by a Dragon Roar.

"Re-Equip Flight Armor," I chanted as armour with wings appeared as I flew towards the lever, dodging the Gates coming my way.

"It's not enough. We need more power," I said.

"How? Only your Celestial Key was used to open the Gates. Can't it be used to seal it, too?" Lucy asked.

"All my magic power was used to open it. I can use only the Celestial Key to seal the door. But I need more magic to execute it and I don't have much," I said.

"It's okay. We can do it," Natsu said, appearing out of the blue from the shadows.

"Yeah, we can," Yukino said, coming with Mirajane.

"Lucy, take out all of your Gold Keys," she said as she took out her two Gold keys.

"Without 12 Zodiac Keys and the Celestial Key, we can seal the door. Our Zodiac Keys can be used as a power supply for the Celestial Key," she explained.

"That's right. But you need a lot of power to summon all the 12 Zodiac Keys, especially Lucy," I said in worry.

"The Celestial Key will help with that. But you need to use all your remaining power for that, Y/n," she said.

"But—" Natsu said.

"Okay," I said, closing my eyes. I had a lot of power enough to execute the mission smoothly.

Lucy and Yukino throw their Zodiac keys in the air as I opened my eyes which had turned golden similar to my hair ends. My hair blew in the wind as my Celestial key arose in the sky automatically as it shone goldenly. The 12 Zodiac Keys encircled the Celestial Key, creating a bond between them.

"We summon forth the 12 Zodiac Spirits! Open the Gate of the Twelve Zodiacs!" We chanted as all the Twelve Zodiac Spirits appeared in front of us, below their key that floated above them, as they bowed. They hurried to the Gate and successfully closed it as we rejoiced.

But the Future Rogue appeared as he said that the dragons remaining was enough for him to start the era of Dragons. He then looked at me and said that the only thing that stood between him and the era of the dragons was me and ordered all the Dragons to eliminate me and all the mages of Crocus. I could only watch in disbelief. I had used all my magic and now could barely stand. I fell on my knees because of my lack of magic, unable to move at all. 

Hope you enjoyed. Will probably post soon. Please, vote and comment below, thank you for the 9.9K views. <3 

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