Chapter 80: Helpless

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Natsu's POV

This can't be happening. No, it can't.

My hands tremble as I caress Y/n's face. Drip. Drip. My tears fall on her cheek.

I turned to Gray, hoping he had a solution. But he was still in shock, watching Y/n lying on my lap. She almost seemed lifeless. Her heartbeat was faint. But it was still beating. That faint heartbeat was the only hope we were clinging on that she was alive. But it was getting slower by the second. It was only a matter of time before it fully stopped beating, and we both knew that.

"W-Wendy! We need Wendy!" Gray said, panic evident in his voice as he got up only to fall back down. We were both exhausted from the battle and had no strength. The only thing we could do was pray, pray that Y/n would get better.

And then something happened. My eyes widened. Both our bodies gleamed in a greenish-blue colour. I snapped my head to Y/n, waiting for her to open her eyes. But that didn't happen. Instead, her heartbeat slowed down at a rapid speed. It was barely beating. Her lips turned purple. All colour seemed drained from her face. She was colder than Gray's ice.

She was using her remaining energy to heal us. And it was costing her remaining life. Why did things have to turn out this way? If only...if only that day never happened. If only I never asked her to leave. If only...

"Natsu!" "Gray!"

I had never felt this happy and relieved in my whole life. Wendy came running alongside Juvia, Lucy and Erza. But they quickly stopped on their tracks when they saw the half-dead beauty lying on my lap.

"What happened?" Erza asked, running towards Y/n. Her eyes widened when she felt how cold she was.

"She is dying. Her heartbeat is barely beating. She won't last long," I said, tears streamed down my cheeks. I didn't know what to feel. The girl I'd admired my whole life was dying in my lap, and I could do nothing about it.

Wendy hurried and started healing her.

It's all my fault. I was the one who drove her to this. I was the one who made her leave. I was the one who made her choose. I was the one who made her fight against her family.

It's all me. I wish I was the one...

And like that my vision blurred and darkness consumed me.

"Natsu!" I heard Lucy shout.

"Y/n," I whispered before I blacked out.

Darkness. That was all I saw.

"What is this place?" I asked.

"My personal hell," I turned to see Y/n smirking cockily.

"You like it? I don't think it's sinister enough. Maybe I should make the ground of lava and throw skeletons here and there. Oh, and maybe—"

She was cut off when I engulfed her in a hug. I cried on her shoulder.

"You're alright. I-I was so worried," I sobbed.

And before I could react, I was tossed away. I winced and looked up to see Y/n glaring at me.

"You dare touch me, Natsu Dragneel? I'll kill your right here and now,"

My eyes widened. She's not Y/n. The way she said my name, I only know one person who can say it so mockingly.

"Valerie," I recognized.

She smirked, "The one and only,"

"W-why am I here?"

She grinned, "You wanted to save her, and here you are,"

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