Chapter 55: GMG Ends!!!

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Natsu's POV

"You like her, don't you?" Future Lucy asked, grinning.

I ran my hands through my hair, sheepishly, "N-No, she's just a friend," I stuttered.

"You like Y/n?" Lucy squealed as I put my hands on her mouth, shushing her. Y/n couldn't use magic but she had her dragon senses.

"You would look so good together. I totally ship for you two," Mira said, jumping in excitement. I blushed.

"Natsu and Y/n! Natsu and Y/n!" Happy said, repetitively, jumping around.

"You must've been dying earlier when she hugged Loke," Mira pointed out.

"Yeah, his fists were clenched. He was so mad," Lucy agreed.

"Wow, that's so romantic!" Mira shrieked.

I blushed, "It was nothing like that. I wasn't jealous at all," I lied.

"Look at you blushing! Awww...." Mira screamed.

"I can't believe it, Natsu and Y/n, that's so cute. We finally have a couple in FairyTail that I can ship for like mad," Lucy said.

"I wonder what people who have a crush on Y/n will think about it," Mira wondered.

"Oh, yeah, she probably has like...a million. She's pretty hot," Happy added.

"I'll fight them all," I said, not thinking. They squealed. I facepalmed. I just added more fuel to the fire. I hoped Y/n never hears about this.

3rd Person's POV

In Crocus, battered Rogue states he now understands why Gajeel joined Fairy Tail. Stating that it didn't make sense at first, he believes Gajeel stayed because of friendship, a concept which doesn't exist in Sabertooth. As Gajeel fights for his friends, Rogue states he can't win. In response, Gajeel asks Rogue whether or not Frosch is his friend, which he admits that he is, to Frosch's delight. Suddenly, Rogue hears a voice calling him weak. Turning around, Rogue realizes his shadow is talking to him, telling him to kill Gajeel and offering him the strength to do so.

While going through the underground path, the rescue team is confronted by the army fighting Y/n, who was struggling. Natsu readies to fight, but the group notices that Yukino and Arcadios have disappeared. Rather than fight, Mirajane leaves to find Yukino while the rest fight the army.

In the games, Rogue hears the voice of his "shadow." As he starts screaming, Gajeel asks him to calm down. Suddenly, Rogue attacks and makes Gajeel realize he's not fighting Rogue but someone named "Shadow." Gajeel's attempts to fight back are fruitless as Mavis notes him to be up against an evil Magic she's never seen before. "Shadow," tells him that he's not as strong as Natsu but adds that even he can't stand up to him now.

Crime Sorciere senses the mysterious Magic and Ultear notes it to be coming from town. However, Jellal tells them if future Lucy is with Natsu, there is no need to worry. In the underground, the Mages battle the knights. As Natsu knocks down several of the knights, he is hit from behind by Magic. However, Natsu shrugs it off, saying that such Magic wouldn't hurt him.

Meanwhile, a near-defeated Gajeel is held choke-held. As he is being strangled, Frosch, feeling the need to do something, heads towards the city. "Shadow" then declares that Gajeel will disappear forever as shadows surround him. The grounded Gajeel starts feeding on the shadows and soon tells "Shadow" to get out Rogue's body, claiming that he's not Rogue, but his former sworn brother, Ryos. Stating that he will help "Shadow" remember to fear him, Gajeel enters Iron Shadow Dragon Mode.

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