Chapter 77: The Battle Starts

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Natsu's POV

Sorona (Angel) turned out to be Mest's secret spy. We met her after Mest teleported all of us to an underwater temple. She told us about where Gramps was.

Y/n's POV

"Seems the private talk is going in a different direction," I said. Makarov was about to attack Zeref. Either way, he would not have succeeded.

"Y/n?" Makarov called.

"Don't act so surprised, Gramps. The two of us might have just met but you knew I am working with Zeref way before," I said.

"But I didn't believe it,"

"Well, now you can," I said.

Mest appeared and took Makarov with him by teleporting.

I smirked at their move. Subtle.

"So, we've come at the end of our deal," Zeref said, turning to me.

"We have. You finally have the means to start your war. In return, you tell me where Acnologia is,"

He laughed, "So sadistic. I like how you have become. We're the same, you know,"

"We're not," I said sternly.

He chuckled, "As you wish. I am just amazed by how remarkable this situation is with you. You helped your father's enemy in plotting to kill him for return of his location,"

"I don't care what happens to him or you. I just want my answers,"

"What about FairyTail? Your dear guild. Don't you care for them?" he asked with curiousness in his eyes.

"They're not part of my life now. I am not associated with them in any way. Why would I care what happened to them?" I asked in an obvious tone.

He smiled, "You never cease to amaze me, Y/n,"

I heard a lightning strike close by. It was a Lightning Dragon Slayer. The fight starts tomorrow. Too bad I won't be there to watch.

"I sincerely hope you won't die on your quest, Empress,"

That was what August had said to me. His words kept ringing on my mind. I sincerely do hope so, too.

"Zeref, stop playing with me," I said.

"I am not. I promised you would meet Acnologia when we're finished and I plan to keep that promise. The only problem is," he leaned towards me and whispered in my ear, "we're not done,"

"Everything is going as you planned. What more do you want?" I asked.

"There is something only you can do, Y/n," he said.

"I'll kill you," I said, gritting my teeth.

"Too bad I can't die," he said with a smug smile.

"Look, even if you did go now, it won't mean much. Acnologia is anxious for the war. He probably is already making his move. Trust me, you'll meet him," he said.

"When?" I spat.

"Tomorrow," he smiled. My anger subsided.

"What do you want me to do?" I asked.

"For now, I want you to rest and preserve your magic for the upcoming fight cause you will be joining," he said.

I didn't say anything. I instead took my leave and walked to my room.


3rd Person's POV

While two sides plan their strategies, the third force in the conflict, Acnologia prepares his move.

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