Chapter 50: Lucy's Defeat

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Y/n's POV

The next battle was between Wendy and Sherria Blendy from Lamia Scale. I looked at their fight from the stadium. Wendy started the fight. But Sherria fought back with similar magic like Wendy. I recognized her magic as Sky God Slayer Magic. Sherria had the upper hand. But Wendy wasn't going to back down easily. She kept standing up and fighting back no matter what. She'd grown so much.

Wendy gathered all her magic power and unleashed a Secret Dragon Slayer Technique Shattering Light: Sky Drill, finally knocking out the opponent. I clapped for Wendy as the announcer was about to announce the winner, Sherria stood up. All her wounds were healed. That's right, the Sky God Slayer had the power to heal their injuries.

Sherria offered to let Wendy surrender. But Wendy declined, saying that she was fighting for FairyTail and surrendering wasn't an option. I smiled. Sherria then started to create her strongest attack Sky God's Secret Arts Heavenly Gathering of Clouds. I was worried about Wendy.

Just as Sherria attacked, the attack veered off, just barely missing Wendy. Wendy had used her Magic to enhance Sherria's physical strength, causing her to over-attack and miss her target. I cheered for Wendy. She was not only strong but smart, too. The two girls continued their fight. Soon, the battle ended as the time limit was passed and the fight ended in a draw.

My eyes landed on Jellal, who was chasing after something or someone. I followed him. Soon, he was surrounded by the Magic Council as he tries to excuse himself, Doranbolt got impatient and knocked off his mask.

My eyes widened. I ran there.

"Jellal?" Lahar said, suspiciously.

"I'm sorry, it seems you have mistaken Mystogan for someone else. Mystogan is Jellal's Edolas counterpart," I lied.

"Are you sure, Y/n?" Doranbolt asked.

"Are you saying that I'm lying? I'm still a member of the Council, aren't I?" I asked. They still didn't seem unconvinced.

Just then, Mr Yajima came and supported my reasoning. They seemed to let him go after he vouched for Jellal. But I heard Lahar tell Doranbolt that 'Mystogan' was probably the real Jellal.

"I didn't realize you were this reckless," I yelled at him.

"Be careful, next time," Yajima told him. I thanked him for helping us. It said it wasn't such a big issue. Jellal apologized and thanked him, too. I pulled him away and asked him the reason for his rash activity. He told me that he felt magic connected to Zeref nearby, and when he followed the source, he was caught.

3rd Person's POV

During Jellal's transaction with the Magic Council members, his face is seen by Kagura, who collapses at the sight of him. The other Team Mermaid Heel members, concerned for her health, start calling for a doctor. As Millianna also looks for a doctor, she too sees Jellal, and nearly attacks him in her rage. After claiming to be fine, Kagura gets up and walks away, all the while thinking how the target for her revenge was so close, Millianna wondering why Fairy Tail was hiding him and Y/n protected him.

Elsewhere, Makarov and Laxus sit together as the Lightning Dragon Slayer enquires about the Lumen Histoire and how Ivan stated that it was 'Fairy Tail's darkness'. When Makarov seems reluctant to answer, Mavis comes forth and claims that it is the opposite. Asking Laxus to understand that it is a secret that only the Guild Master can know about, the young man says he won't ask any more if it is not something suspicious. The former and current Guild Master then contemplate and conclude that Ivan must have learnt about it from Precht, Mavis beginning to cry over her poor successor choice.

Next day~

Y/n's POV

Day 4 of the Grand Magic Games began with the event Naval Battle, in which a participant of each team is to enter a large water sphere and try to push the other players out. With that being said, when two participants were left in the sphere a five-minute timer will start, and whoever was knocked out within the time limit automatically gets the last place.

Juvia filled in for Jellal. I wanted to participate, but I had participated yesterday. Lucy summoned Aquarius, who uses a powerful attack but Juvia countered it. Aquarius then left, saying she had a date, leaving Lucy defenceless. Juvia used this opportunity to attack the Celestial Mage, but Lucy summoned Virgo. Juvia unleashed a powerful attack, expelling all the contestants from the sphere but Minerva used the opportunity to take her out, too, much to Juvia's dismay. The final two contestants remaining were Lucy and Minerva. I cheered for Lucy. The five-minute timer started right afterwards. Minerva started attacking her violently. Lucy was looking for her keys but they were already snatched by Minerva.

I looked at Lucy. Even without any way to win, she was still fighting. Minerva continued to attack her instead of throwing her out. My fists clenched. The announcer soon announces the end of the five-minute timer. Lucy was already so burnt and covered in blood. Minerva held Lucy by her throat and carelessly dropped her. Gray and Natsu hurried and caught her just in time. A medical team was called, but I jumped down to the arena, saying that I'll heal her first. I closed my eyes, and in an instant, they were sea-green. I started to heal her wounds. Sherry, Jenny and Wendy came to help, too.

As Natsu and Gray prepare to attack Minerva, Sting, Rufus and Orga appear to defend her. I stood up and walked to them, letting Wendy and Sherry heal Lucy. My eyes were covered with my bangs. I looked at them, disgusted. Erza jumped down on the arena just in time.

"I warned you, didn't I? Now, I don't care if you're the strongest guild in Fiore, you hurt our friend, and now you'll pay, I swear," I said, coldly.

"You just made the biggest mistake you could ever make," Erza said, sternly.

Lucy is taken to the medical ward as they continue to patch her up. She was holding her keys by her heart. We all watched her. The announcer tries to clear the tension in the air as we head to the medical ward. All of us were pretty mad. Gramps entered the room.

"Due to the disqualification of Raven Tail, the games committee aren't able to team up the teams for the battle portion because of the odd number of teams. So, they have asked us to merge into one team," he announced.

"What about the points?" Juvia asked.

"We decided to use only Team A's points which means we're in a tie for the third place with Mermaid Heel and Lamia Scale," Master explained.

"But we don't have enough time to win with so low point," Gray said.

"The last day will have a game where all the five participants can participate which means you need to choose the participants carefully as that will be the only chance to win," Porlyusica informed.

"I have already chosen the members," Master said, thinking.

Finally, the battle portions begin; Blue Pegasus vs Quatro Puppy, Lamia Scale vs Mermaid Heel, and FairyTail vs Sabertooth.

We stepped out on the arena where instead of getting booed at we were getting cheered for, unlike the first day. I smiled. The new FairyTail team consisted of me, Natsu, Erza, Gray and Laxus.

This one was on the bag seeing the participants. The biggest thing I was looking forward was us versus Sabertooth. They were gonna pay. I would make them pay.

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The Dragon Empress (Fairytail x reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ