Chapter 65: The Coming Danger

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(Pic above: Y/n's sister, not exactly same but the idea of how she looks like is similar)

Natsu's POV

"What about the spirits and the King?" Lucy asked, almost about to cry.

As if on cue, Y/n's celestial key appeared in front of her, much to her surprise. It started shining brightly with a golden light. Multiple beams appeared from it as the golden light then took over the whole realm and in a blink of an eye, everything was restored to normal.

The Celestial spirits and the King, both were back. Everyone turned into constellations go back to their normal state. They didn't seem to remember anything but we had a huge party in celebration of the events that took place.

Leo, when he arrived, practically ran to Y/n when she was still in her Galaxy form, complimenting her about it as she blushed. She blushed. She blushed because of them. I realized I hadn't complimented her on it. Then, everyone encircled her and told her how awesome she was while I looked at them.

"Aren't you going to say something?" Happy asked, curiously.

"Should I?" I said, nervously.

He nodded, enthusiastically.

I walked at the crowd, "So I guess you didn't need your help after all, huh?"

She turned to look at her, her eyes growing wide. The stars in her eyes were practically sparkling. I could not stop staring at her.

Just then, Leo had to ruin the moment and pull her by the waist.

"You know, you look really cute in this form," he said, making me mad.

Y/n instantly went back to her normal form not that she didn't look hot in that, too. She practically rocked every outfit. Wow, I like her, don't I? It was not only that she was very attractive but she was one of the nicest people I met. She was funny, friendly, nice, you could say she was perfect. But I'm sure she would be offended by it. Her life, however, was far from perfect. Due to her power, people targeted her. She had many fans and followers. Many guys liked her. But she felt overwhelmed by it. Her power was awesome but she couldn't control it properly. And I knew she had a secret, a big one that she was hiding from everyone. It all made her life hard and I wanted to be there for her when it got hard. Because she was my best friend.

Y/n's POV

After everyone cleared and the Celestial Spirit gave me his thanks. I looked for the blue-haired girl. I couldn't believe lasted that long. I was about to lose my consciousness any second. My external wounds were healed but all the internal damage I had got from Ophiuchus' torture and all the dodging in my fight against the Eclipse form of the Celestial King were fatal.

Wendy turned to me as she noticed me, walking toward her. She was talking to someone whom I didn't even bother to look at a cause like I said I was running out of time.

"Wendy, can you—" I stopped as I fell my legs giving up on me and my vision blurring.

"Shit!" I said. My eyes widened. I had cussed in front of Wendy.

"Y/n, relax, I know what that means," she smiled, trying to comfort me. But I did say she tried.

"You know what that means?!" I shrieked. That was it for me as the darkness overtook me.

I did hear her call my name in worry as I fell on the ground before feeling strong hands carrying me.


I was back. I groaned. I saw her.

"I still don't understand one thing, why did the Eclipse Ophiuchus call you queen?" I asked. The question that had been bothering me.

"Well, what can I say I rule in the bad side, you know, I'm the queen of all the evils lurking in this world. I mean, you know how much the Demon Realm hates you. The Demon King would rather have you for dinner than serve you so your demon keys have stopped listening to you and I have been granted your demon key. The angels, however, love and adore you, I'd rather die than even talk to one," she explained.

"I don't get they were nice to me," I said.

"Time changes and now, my sis, is the worst time for you to calm down. The danger is practically lurking in the shadows. They are coming, sis, one of the strongest enemies you'll face. But, you're the Empress, you can fight them, but can your weak friends. They won't stand a chance against your upcoming foe. They'll die. You want to protect them, I know. But will they let you? They have their pride, you know? This is a warning, if you can't keep your shit together in this battle then the seal will break. And, if I find a chance, I'll escape. How long did you think I was gonna be a sweet, obedient doll and get locked up? I'm yearning for my freedom, sis and when that day comes, I'll make sure to turn this world upside down," she said with a devilish smirk.

"Bipolar much?" I said. I had enough of her threats so I had stopped saying things like 'I won't let you or 'I'll protect everyone.

"Bipolar? Hah...I was always the same. I just don't seem to hate you cause I owe you for bringing me to life but that's all. I have saved you multiple times from death, you might not even remember but I have been like your fairy godmother since I exist. But one day, the fairy godmother will leave. And when that happens, all hell will break loose. Now, you don't want the hell will break loose, do you? I'm just giving you a warning, cause you're my sister, but that is all the help you're getting from me in this fight. Cause I'd rather watch you lose than anything else," she said with an emotionless expression.

"I know, but thanks for being a sister," I smiled.

She smiled back, but there was a bit of sadness, "You're gonna get hurt,"

I laughed, "When have I not?"

"No, I don't mean physically but emotionally. We'll meet him, again, sis, but this time it's gonna hurt a lot,"

My eyes widened.

"Time to go, sis," her sad eyes were replaced with her normal, emotionless face.

Why did she always do that? Leave me in suspense. She always told me the most important thing when my time ended.


I was back. I opened my eyes to see a white ceiling. I was at the guild's infirmary. How many times had I been here again? It was déjà vu every time. Natsu was there like always with relief once he saw me wake up. I smiled at him. All my wounds were healed. I wasn't expecting Wendy to head all of it, maybe Porlyusica helped her but the wounds were too much even for her.

"One of your angel spirits came to check up on you and healed you before returning to her realm," Natsu said as if reading my mind.

I nodded in understanding. That made much more sense. No offence to Wendy or Porlyusica.

"Are others fine?" I asked.

"You know, you should stop caring about others and start caring about yourself. Your ribs were broken and you were internally bleeding. I can't believe you fought and greeted the Celestial King and others in that state. It's good to care about others but never forget about your health," he said, disappointed.

"I'm sorry," I said, sadly.

"Just don't do it from next time,"

And with that he left, I felt bad and extremely sorry. I still managed to hurt him somehow. I'm sure I hurt everyone. They must've been worried. Ugh...stupid Y/n.

I got under the sheets and took a small nap.

Finally the Celestial Spirits arc is finished. I'm going to add some extra chapters that have nothing to do with the story and the upcoming Tartaros arc but with Reader x Gray moments cause I realized he is the only one who hasn't had a nice, cute moment with the reader. I wanted to add a personal moment between him and Y/n.

Anyways, please vote!

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