But..you loved me

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I couldn't think straight. 

I hated myself. 

The fact that I said those words to her, I saw it in her eyes how hurt she was as she drove away. 

"Hoseok, I'm so sorry" Jennifer said to me as she wiped a tear from her face 

"Don't talk to me" I shook my head and walked back into the studio, I called her over and over and over again and she didn't answer a single one until eventually it just kept going to voicemail. 

I cried so hard as I made my to Stacey's dance room

"Everyone out now!" I yelled as I entered her class. They all jumped and started to whisper amongst themselves as she cut the music and they grabbed their things. 

"Do you believe me now?" She asked with a smile 

"You made me question everything. Over a fake fucking picture" I shook my head 

"Is that what she told you?"

I hadn't had the heart to tell Alyssa that any chance she got Stacey was putting ideas in my head. I kept tuning her out, ignoring her, telling her to stop, I knew Alyssa needed her and so I endured it. 

I knew she was trouble. 

She's fucking psychotic, and this is the proof. 

"It isn't what she told me. It's the fucking truth. Something you have yet to learn the meaning of" 
I held up the photo 

"My shoes, my necklace, my shirt, my rings, my ring on her middle finger, the only trace of Mark in this photo is the obviously cropped image of his face on mine"  

Her eyes widened as she stepped closer to me 

"Hobi..I can explain..I-I wanted us to-"

"Us?" I laughed "us? There is no us. There hasn't been an us in a very long time. To think that I forgave you and convinced her to help you is just..I'm so fucking stupid" I shook my head "the only woman I have ever truly loved just walked out that door with a broken heart because of me" 

"But..you loved me.." she said softly as tears slipped down her face 

"No" I shook my head "I thought I loved you. I cared about you and wanted you to be happy..but what we had could never fucking compare to how I feel about Alyssa. For what she and I have." I wiped tears from my face with my sleeve "it took me two months with her to realize I never loved you the way that I love her. I tried fighting it, but eventually I gave up. I want to marry her, I want to spend my fucking life with her, I want to give her the fucking world on a silver fucking platter and I CAN'T " I yelled "she'll never forgive me for what I've said. I can accept my responsibility for that. But if you hadn't come along and intervened IT NEVER WOULD HAVE HAPPENED you're a fucking stupid cunt and I will never forgive you. Ever. For anything" 

"Hobi" she sobbed as she fell to the floor "you don't mean that"

"Every. Fucking. Word. Leave now before I call the police" 


"LEAVE" I yelled as I started to break down "just leave..please.." I begged in a whisper as I fell on my knees, she sobbed and bawled her eyes out as she left the studio. I put my face in my arms on the floor and sobbed like a child. 

I called her one more time.

I called Jimin 

"Hey Hobi what's up?"

"I need you to go to Alyssa..please" I sniffled 

"What happened?" 

After I told him everything from start to finish, and after he yelled, screamed, and called me every foul name in the book we finally ended the call as he got in his car to drive to her place. 

I picked myself up off the floor and decided to go to her. 

I could use Jimin as a buffer to get through to her. 

I locked the doors and turned around only to find Mark standing the parking lot

"You fucked my wife behind my back" he laughed "I should have known" he shook his head and stepped closer to me

"I don't have time for this. I need to go" 

"No. You don't" 

I didn't have a chance to react as he punched me right in the face, I felt my jaw slip as his knuckles made impact. I hit the ground instantly.  

"You were my friend! How could you!" He yelled as he got on top of me

"You were cheating on her! You piece of shit! You were fucking behind her back FOR MONTHS! YOU MADE HER FEEL LIKE SHE WAS NOTHING" I swung and punched him in his nose "I helped her, I fixed her, I loved her!" I yelled and swung again but he blocked it, I rolled to get him off of me but he wrapped his arm around my neck

"You fucking piece of shit" he punched me in the face as hard as he could, I coughed up blood as my head turned to the side, I was gasping for air as his hold tightened around my neck and blood filled my mouth. 

I'm not a fighter, but I'll go down swinging 

My words rang in my head as I reached up and shoved my thumb into his eye, he started screaming as he let go of my neck. I gasped and spit blood everywhere as I tried to breathe, I staggered as I stood up. 

"You..my friend..are a waste of fucking skin" I leaned back and lifted my leg kicking him square in the mouth "if you ever go near her or me ever again, I will fucking kill you" 

He laid there screaming in pain as I stumbled to my car. I drove dizzily to her apartment and stumbled up the stairs, I pounded on the door and as soon as Jimin opened the door I fell forward and landed on her floor, I was so weak, and I needed to close my eyes. 

Sleep felt so good. 

*ending soon*

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