What happened?

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I packed up my suitcase to go to Hoseok's house and the entire time I couldn't shake the sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach. 

I loved Mark with my entire heart for so long, and looking around our room and our house and replaying everything he said to me last night I only got more pissed off and more hurt. I looked at the pictures on my dresser and out of impulse I swung my arm and crashed all of them onto the floor. 

I picked one up and slammed it into the wall repeatedly until it was shattered completely and then ripped up the picture. 
I started screaming and crying as I went through the house and tore all of our pictures down. 

I hate myself for letting him bring me down this low. 
I hate him for lying to me. 
I hate him for making me feel so unlovable. 
I hate him for making me feel ugly. 
I hate that I let myself act out this way. 
I hate that I let myself snap. 

I couldn't see through my tears as I trashed our house. I threw stuff out of our cabinets, out of the pantry, out of the closets, out of our dressers. 

I had no control over my emotions as I ran through the house like a psychopath. I picked up our anniversary clock and launched it through the glass coffee table. The table shattered completely on impact, the face of the clock popped off and I ripped our picture out of it and shredded it to pieces. 

I looked at the broken clock and started to sob as I fell to the floor and held it in my arms. I had glass stuck in my arm, my legs, little glass shards were stuck to my face like glitter and I had little drops of blood everywhere. 


I looked up and tried wiping my tears away only to be met with pain as I rubbed glass further into my skin 

"What are you doing? Oh my god" 

Namjoon helped me up off the floor and took the broken clock out of my hands 

"It hurts!" I screamed as I sobbed, Namjoon held me close to his chest as I bled and cried all over his shirt, he rubbed my head and tried to soothe me as I cried. 

It felt like hours had passed when I was finally sitting at my kitchen table as Namjoon picked the glass out of my skin with tweezers and tried to bandage me up, he worked in silence while I sniffled and whimpered. I was embarrassed that anyone had seen me that way. 

"Hobi called me because you were supposed to be at his house hours ago but you weren't answering your phone and he didn't want to come here in case Mark was still home. I'm glad I trusted my instincts and came in"  

I nodded in silence 

"What happened?"

"He tried to touch me. And, everything snowballed from there..I let out some of my frustrations..and even opening up in front of him, and crying..he still couldn't tell me any truth. He lied through his teeth and put on a show about how he didn't know he was hurting me..and then..I snapped after I woke up this morning. Here I am, swimming in guilt, wondering what I did wrong, hating myself that I let Hoseok in the way that I have, and wishing Mark the best..and he can't even fucking admit to his own shit. I'm just.. I'm fucking done. He isn't the same person I met. This is someone else and I want him gone. I want this divorce over and I want him out of my fucking house" 

He nodded and tightened his jaw 
"I'll draw up the papers today and serve him when he comes home" 

"Thank you" 

A sudden knock on the door made both of us jump

"I got it" he stood up and walked to the front door "hey" he let the person in 

"What happened?" Hoseok asked as he entered my kitchen. He looked sad, confused, concerned, and angry. 
I just stared up at him unsure of what to say. I didn't want him to see me this way, I looked away from him and stared at the table. 

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