You're new

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"Oh honey! I'm glad you're home, the guys are here" Mark beamed at me as I walked into the house. 

I had just gotten done a twelve hour shift and just wanted to put my feet up. It wasn't very often we had company though so I smiled wide as I saw our friends. 

"Hey guys" I smiled as I walked over to Mark and tried to peck his lips, he turned and gave me his cheek instead, I smiled anyway as I ignored the ache in my chest. 

"Hey Lis!" Namjoon beamed as he hugged me

"Ew, I'm all sweaty!" I pretended to push him off of me making him laugh as he hugged me tighter 

"Alyssa, when has it ever mattered to us if you're sweaty or not?" Tae asked as he hugged me, I giggled as I got my hugs from everyone. 

"You're new" I smiled at the man sitting at my kitchen table, he had black hair gelled back on the sides and flipped perfectly along his forehead. 

He chuckled at my reaction "I'm Hoseok, I'm one of Mark's friends." 

"That's right! You know Jiminie too!" 

"Yes" he chuckled as he nodded his head at me

"Well it's nice to finally meet you, I've heard a lot about you from the guys and the hubby" I smiled as I opened the fridge and grabbed a water bottle 

"It's nice to meet you too, you're actually the one I wanted to see"

"Wow, rude" Jimin pouted making me laugh

"Sorry Jimin" Hoseok laughed "you know that's not what I meant" he blushed 

"I don't sounded kind of rude to me too" Yoongi chimed in 

"Definitely rude" Jin nodded, at this point I was laughing my ass off as I sat down next to Mark, he was texting away on his phone and ignoring our company. 

"Well, what's up?" 

"I know you own a dance studio, and with me moving back to the area, I was wondering if I could apply for a position?" 

I stared right into his eyes and said "no" 

His expression dropped and I started laughing 

"Of course! You can't take me seriously when I do shit like that. And you know what? You came just in time. One of my instructors quit because he was offered a job with his father in law's company. It's less money, but it's more convenient for him. I was low key kinda stressed over finding him a replacement" 

"You scared me!" He laughed 

"Sorry" I laughed and drank from my water bottle 

"You'll get used to her stupid sense of humor eventually" Yoongi said with a smile 

"Hopefully, otherwise we won't be able to work together" I chuckled "I know you owned a studio, what happened?" 

"His ex happened" Jungkook mumbled 

"Oh! You don't need to explain. Are you
okay with being an instructor?"

"Of course" he gave me a half smile, I guess the ex thing was still an open wound. 

I hope I never have to feel that way. 
Mark and I have been married for five years, we started dating when we were thirteen and got married at twenty. 

He's the love of my life. 

I smiled over at him only to notice he was on his phone again. 
I didn't let it bother me too much though, the man works constantly so it's either emails or trying to relax. 

"So who's cooking or ordering food?" I asked

"I'll order" Mark said as he locked his phone 

"Okay babe" I smiled

"What's everyone want?" 
All nine of us talked over top of each other about what kind of food we wanted, we all decided on pizza

"I'll go pick it up" 

"You sure love? Why don't we just get delivery?" 

"It's okay, you have fun with the guys and I'll be right back" he kissed the top of my head and walked out before I could say anything further. 

I frowned.

We haven't been spending much time together over the last few weeks, I was starting to miss him even when he was here. I just tried not to make a big deal about it. 

While Mark was gone, me and the guys got to catch up on life, Jungkook had just started getting sponsored for his live streams that he did, Jimin and Tae finally got noticed for their fashion designs, they were turning their store into something bigger which I was proud of them for. Namjoon had just won his first case, Yoongi was selling his beats and ghost writing for a major rapper he couldn't talk about, and Jin had just gotten a promotion in his publishing company. 
He told all of us how he was planning on surprising his boyfriend by proposing to him on their third anniversary. He had the whole thing planned out and I loved the way he looked as he spoke about it. 

I remember when Jin was in the closet, it took a long time for him to accept himself, but we all accepted him with open arms, even Mark. 

"He's been gone a long time" Jungkook commented making me furrow my brows as I looked at the time on my phone

"Yeah, it's been almost an hour. Let me call him" 

It rang until it went to voicemail 

Mark: you won't believe the traffic baby, I'll be right there
Me: okay love 

"Traffic is bad. He's on his way home though" I smiled 

"Good, because I'm starving" Tae added making me laugh

"Do you guys want any money for the food?" Hoseok offered 

"Nope. That's not how it works in this friend group" I shook my head

"Ah, so it's like any time I hang out with Jimin, one hand washes the other type of thing?" 

"Exactly" Namjoon smiled 

"Okay" he nodded his head and smiled 

"Sorry guys" Mark said as he came in through the door "there was accident and traffic was backed up to the highway" 

"That's okay love" I smiled as he kissed the top of my head and put the pizza's down. 

After everyone ate and we hung out for a bit longer they all left, I asked Hoseok when he wanted to start and he said he'd stop by the studio in the morning.

It was a great night. 

"Thanks for offering him the job" Mark said as he climbed on the bed

"Of course, he's one of your friends, and he seems really nice"

"He is, good night"

He rolled over away from me, I laid there staring at his back trying to figure out the last time we even cuddled together. I wanted him to wrap his arms around me and show me even the tiniest bit of affection.

He never did.

The Side Piece |18+| Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz