It's obvious

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"Hey babe" I smiled as I came in the door

"Hey, how was work?"

"It was alright, Hoseok did really well today"

"Good" he went back to his phone and I felt my stomach drop 

"How was work?"

"Super busy to be honest. I felt like I didn't leave my office at all" he rolled his eyes adding to his performance "I'll probably have a bunch of late nights coming up" he frowned 

It was so easy for him to lie to me. 

How long has he been doing this? 

"Well that sucks. Did you eat?"

"No not yet, I was waiting for you to see what you wanted to do for dinner"

"Want me to cook?"

"Sure, I love your cooking" he smiled 

Just not me though..

"Okay" I smiled and walked out to the kitchen, he walked in behind me and sat down at the table. 

I started to pull out the ingredients I needed to make my homemade chicken and dumpling soup. I've been making this for him since we were sixteen. 
"Do you remember the first time I made this?" I asked with a smile as I turned around only to see him smiling into his phone 

"Sorry, what did you say?" He looked up at me

"I was just asking if you remember the first time I ever made this for you" 

"Oh yeah" he chuckled "we had been together for three years at that point. I think that was when I knew I was going to marry you" he smiled 

I smiled back before I turned around and started cutting up the chicken. 

Maybe if I give him a memory to think of every day he'll start to remember why we fell in love in the first place. 

I can fix this. 

After dinner I got a shower, I walked out naked again, I was ready to try again, but he was sound asleep.

I frowned as I slid my pajamas on and got into the bed. I faced away from him as I held the blanket up to my chin. 

He hasn't touched me in months. 

Those months felt like years. 

Only to watch him kiss another woman the way he's refused to kiss me. 

I woke up the next morning and Mark was gone, there was a note next to the coffee pot

Went to work early, won't be home until late.
Have a good day

I rolled my eyes and went back up to our bedroom, I put another sports bra, tank top, and leggings on. I put my long hair up in a high ponytail instead of a messy bun and left. I stopped on the way and got coffees for Hoseok and I, when I walked in I heard music playing from the main floor upstairs and followed it up. 

My jaw dropped and the coffee's almost fell out of my hands as I watched a topless Hoseok pole dance. 

He was fucking ripped. 

I've seen a lot of topless male dancers perform, but damn. 

His sweat was glistening on his tan abs as he did the move I did yesterday, bending over backwards on the pole and spinning on the way down, his muscles were bulging as his basketball shorts rode up his muscular thighs. 

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