...in his hair gel

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"Wow" Namjoon sighed as he sat back in the chair across from me

"well, I can definitely hire a PI and have him followed so we can collect evidence. I'll also need to write up some divorce papers for you outlining what you want and don't want, and hopefully this won't need to go to court and the two of you can go your separate ways. I'm sure if he thinks he's getting money out of you though he'll fight it. But." He rubbed his temples as he thought "if we catch him spending all of his money on this girl, and get his bank statement and prove that he pissed it all away, no judge is going to make you pay alimony" 

I nodded "okay, well that would be the best" 

"Now, I need you to be honest with me okay? Lawyer and client confidentiality. Not as friends. Are you seeing someone else?" 

I swallowed a lump in my throat 

"Yes. We've been seeing each other for a week now, since the day I heard him on the phone" 

"Okay" he nodded "and you guys are keeping it low key?"

"Yes. Not a single soul knows" 

"Okay" he nodded "I personally, as your friend, am proud of you. Fuck Mark, he's a god damn tool, and you've always deserved better whether you want to admit it or not. I hope when he's on vacation you fuck this guy into oblivion on Mark's side of the bed and he cums in his hair gel or something" 

I laughed really really loud as Namjoon gave me a dimpled smile and a chuckle 

"As your lawyer though? Keep it as low key as possible" 

"I will. We agreed not to let anyone know" 

"Okay" he smiled and nodded at my words "does anyone else know about Mark?"

"Hoseok, but that's about it" 

"Hoseok, and your side piece. Okay" he nodded "I'll make sure to keep it between us" 

If only he knew they were one in the same. 

"Thanks Joonie" I smiled as I stood up, he stood up and opened his arms for me, his height helped him swallow me into a super tight bear hug 

"Of course Lis, I love you. I want you to be happy, you deserve the love and happiness you always give to everyone else" 

"I love you too" I smiled as I squeezed him 

Thank God I have amazing friends. 

"Hey" Hoseok smiled as he walked into my dance room 

"Hey" I smiled as I sat on the floor with my water

"How did it go with Namjoon?"

"Great, actually, and we have a plan" I smiled up at him as he sat next to me, he wrapped his arm around my shoulder 

"Good" he pecked my lips softly 

"When I find out the dates Mark will be gone, I'll let you know. We'll close the studio and just enjoy each other for a week" 

"I can't wait" he smiled, he leaned over and picked me up by my hips putting me on his lap, I straddled his thighs as he kissed down my neck "you drive me crazy" he whispered as he nipped at my skin 

"You drive me crazy too" I smiled as I wrapped my arms around his neck, he gripped my hips harshly and pushed me down connecting our bodies, the only thing separating us were our clothes, they suddenly felt so constricting, I needed to get out of them. 

"My office?" I asked 

"Mmm..how about my house? We can go there…" he traced his fingers down my skin "I can appreciate this beautiful body sitting on me..and then I'll bring you back to your car" 

The Side Piece |18+| Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon