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Three weeks had passed with no issues. Hobi and I returned to work as usual, I had checked out a couple of apartments, the house was on the market, and the divorce papers were finalized meaning Mark and I were officially over. 

All of the guys took the news of Hoseok and I dating extremely well, the only one that had any concerns was Jimin and that was only because I had been in a relationship with Mark for so long he was worried that I might be using Hoseok as a rebound. I assured him that wasn't the case and he eventually accepted us with open arms. 

I was sitting at my desk one day when there was a knock on my door 

"Come in" 

A woman entered my office with long black hair, a beautiful face with the tiniest nose, she was fit and skinny, she looked like the perfect woman and had the body for dancing. She was wearing tight leggings, with a tight tank top on and she had dancing shoes on her feet. 

I smiled


"Hi, I'm Stacey" 

"Nice to meet you, take a seat" I gestured to her and she sat in the chair across from me 

"So what brings you in?"

"I saw an ad online that said you were hiring for instructors and I wanted to apply" 

"Oh, awesome! Do you have any past experince?"

"Yes" she nodded and smiled "I worked for my ex at his studio, we were both instructors and since he sold the place I've been looking to get back into the business. I left for a while and worked as a secretary..but dancing kept pulling me back" she giggled making me laugh 

"I can understand that one hundred percent" I nodded "it always sucked me back in too, which is how I ended up opening this place" 

"It's beautiful by the way" she smiled 

"Thank you" I cheesed 
"Well, want to come up to the top floor and show me what you got?" 

She giggled and nodded her head enthusiastically "absolutely!" 

I stood up and she followed me up to the top floor

"Anything in particular you want to dance to?" 

She blushed "DDU-DU DDU-DU from Black Pink?"

"Okay" I nodded "not really my taste in music" I chuckled "but I've seen the dance enough, go for it" I pushed play and watched her as she did their entire choreography. I nodded as she hit every step. I clapped when she finished. She definitely nailed the timing and her body moved fluidly as if the music was pushing and pulling her body. I smiled. 

"Thank you" she smiled as she put her hair up in a messy bun and panted to catch her breath 

"Well. I'd definitely love to hire you" I cheesed making her smile wider 

"Thank you!" She ran and hugged me making me laugh

"Let's go back to my office and we'll fill out the paperwork" 

"Okay" she nodded and followed me back through the building, I pointed to one of the doors

"This room will be yours, it's empty and has been for a while. I'll set up the laptop and sound system for you and take a few dancers from my class and my boyfriends class and transfer them into yours so you have some people to work with, I'll open up sign ups and see if we can get more people in here for you" 
"Thank you!" She beamed "your boyfriend is the other instructor?"

"Yeah" I nodded "he owned his own studio at one point" 

She nodded as she smiled "that must be hard. My ex said he could never work for someone else after owning his own studio"

"My boyfriend adjusted super fast. I think it helps that I give everyone creative freedom. We did end one on one classes though" 
She nodded 

"Do you pole dance?"

She shook her head "no, but I've always wanted to learn" 

"I can teach you and then maybe you can help me with classes. I want to offer the class but I'm the only one here that's trained enough to teach it."

"I would love to!" She squealed 

"This is my boyfriends room, his class should be finishing up, I'll introduce you" 

I opened the door and she froze, Hoseok locked eyes with her and tripped over his feet landing on the floor 

"Oh my god! Babe, are you okay?" I asked as I entered the room, he winced as he sat up 

"I'm fine" he closed his eyes and sat up "what are you doing here?" He asked as he looked at the floor
"I was ju-"
"Not you, her" he gestured towards Stacey 

"She's the new instructor.."

"No" he shook his head "she isn't" he stood up and walked past her "I'll be in your office. Class dismissed" 

Everyone stared at me, baffled by what Hoseok had said. 

"Alright see you all on monday" I mumbled 
"I'm sorry" she said softly as she started to tear up "I'll go" 

"Okay" I nodded "do you want to leave me your contact info?" 

She shook her head "no, that's okay" she cried as she walked down the hall. I was confused and concerned as I opened my door to my office 
"Babe..what happened?" I asked as I closed the door behind me

"I guess I never told you her name" he closed his eyes as he shook his head 

"Oh shit" I closed my eyes as the pieces came together "I'm so sorry Hobi..I didn't know" 

"I know. I'm not mad at you, hell, I'm not even mad at her. I just don't want to see her or be in the same room as her" 

"That's understandable" I nodded as I walked towards him and sat down on his lap "are you okay?"

"I'm fine" he smiled and pecked my lips "I wouldn't be surprised if she comes back though. She might seem nice, but I swear Alyssa, she isn't. She went psychotic after the break up, I'm not trying to scare you, but I have a feeling she's going to be back" 

"I'll ban her if I have to"

"That won't work" he shook his head "I feel it. Shit is about to go down and I don't like it" 

"I promise, we'll be okay" 

"I hope so" he half smiled, I could see the concern in his eyes as his heart raced. 

I'd never seen anyone so scared before. It made me really curious about her, she seemed like a sweetheart. 
But Hoseok told me before about how she would park her car outside of his house before he moved, as well as blow up his phone and randomly drop by his office to scream and fight with him even though she was the one that cheated. 

She will not fool me. 

And she will not get close to him. 

I swear it. 

The Side Piece |18+| Where stories live. Discover now