Prove it

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Four days later Hoseok and I were sitting on the couch snuggled up together, my phone vibrated again and I finally decided to look at it. 

20 missed calls- Fuckface 
45 text messages- Fuckface 

"Everything okay?" 
"Yeah, I'm just confused" I shrugged as I handed him my phone 
"Wow..I wonder if something is wrong. Maybe you should call him back?" 
"I guess, they started yesterday afternoon, but now it's more frequent.." 
"Do you want some privacy?"
"No" I chuckled and leaned into him again, I unlocked my phone and went to hit the call button when Namjoon's name came across my screen, I swiped to answer 

"Hey Joonie" 

"He's home. He came home yesterday. The PI said they got into a fight their first day there, he lost sight of him, and now he's home" 

My heart started to pound out of my chest. 


"Okay. I'll go" 

"Do you want me to serve him before or after you get there?" 

"It doesn't matter" I shook my head "it's happening, that's all that matters" 

"Okay, I'll be there soon" 

I hung up and looked over at Hoseok, our eyes locked as I nibbled my bottom lip "he's home"  
"What? How? What happened?" 
"They got into a fight, and he's home. I never cleaned up the mess either. He walked into that" 
"I'll drive you home then" 
"Can I leave my stuff here? I'm not going to be able to stay there.." 
"Of course" he smiled 

We got into his car, he held my hand reassuringly as he drove me to my house. He slowed to a stop and put the car in park. 

"Do you want me to wait?"
"No that's okay" I shook my head "I'll come back when I'm done" 
"Okay, I want to give you guys your privacy, but if anything happens, if you need me, please call me. If I don't hear from you in two hours I'm coming back" 
I smiled at him and nodded "thank you" I leaned in and kissed him before getting out of his car. I took a deep breath and braced myself as I let myself into the house. 

Mark was sitting on the floor holding our broken anniversary clock, he looked broken as he stared down at the broken face and the ripped up picture among the shattered glass. My blood was dried to the floor and trailed through to the kitchen. 

"I were looked like someone came in and robbed the wasn't until I saw the things that were purposely broken and ripped to shreds that I realized what happened" he shook his head "why?" He asked as he looked up at me with tears in his eyes "where were you?"

"Where were you?" I asked back, I kept a cold look on my face as I watched him lower his head and nod 

"So, you know?"
"I do" 
He started to sob as he put the broken clock down and buried his face in his hands "I'm so sorry" 
"It's a bit late for that don't you think?" 
"It was a mistake" 

"A mistake? Five months is a mistake? Telling her you love her is a mistake? Telling her picturing me as her is a mistake? Lying to me and hiding the fact you left your job was a mistake? Telling me you love me while you were fucking her is a mistake? No. Those were choices. Before you left I even gave you an opportunity to tell me and you still lied to me and put on a fucking performance" I started to raise my voice the more I rambled on "you and I were a fucking mistake" 

"No we're not. We love each other. We're not a mistake" he shook his head 

"Bull fucking shit. If you loved me, genuinely loved me, not even in love with me but just cared the slightest fucking bit you would have told me the truth. You would have been honest with me" 

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