First day

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After laying there for an hour listening to him type away on his phone, I decided to get a shower and clear my thoughts. I got out of the shower and instead of putting my clothes on I walked out of the bathroom naked, Mark was still laying on our bed with his phone in his hand, I smiled as I got on the bed and straddled him 

"Babyyyyy" I sang 

"Yes love?" He looked away from his phone and his smile turned emotionless "I can't tonight babe, I'm sorry" he shook his head 

"Oh" I frowned as I slouched my shoulders and rolled off of him "that's okay, is everything okay?" 

"Yeah, I'm just really tired. Work has been kicking my ass lately and I think it's starting to take a toll on me" 

"I'm sorry my love" I kissed his cheek "is there anything I can do for you?" 

"No" he smiled "thank you though" 

I got up and decided to put my pajamas on before snuggling back up under the blankets. I curled up close to Mark and tried to put my head on his chest but he rolled over. 


I genuinely tried not to take it personally. 

But I felt rejected. 

I just rolled over facing away from him and closed my eyes 

"Good night, I love you" 
"Good night" he said before he pulled the blanket over his shoulder and put his phone down. 

I woke up before him and made a quick breakfast for the both of us and a pot of coffee, when he came downstairs I smiled 
"Good morning" I leaned in and he pecked the top of my head 

"Good morning" he mumbled back 

"You okay baby?"

"Mhmm" he sat down with his coffee 

"Okay, I'm gonna go get changed and head to work" 

"Okay, have a good day"

"Thanks" I half smiled as I went up to our room. 

I sat on my bed and looked around, over the last three months Mark and I hardly talk, he always tries to just kiss my forehead or cheek unless someone is around, things felt like they had started to slip but I tried so hard to ignore it and continue on like everything was fine. 

But I don't think anything is fine anymore. 

I'm just not sure why? 

I put my sports bra on, a loose tank top, and my capri leggings before throwing my hair up in a messy bun and slipping on my sneakers
"I'm leaving" I announced 

"Okay, see you after work"

"What time are you getting done?"

"I'm not sure" he shook his head "probably late" 

"Okay, I'll see you when you come home then, I love you, have a good day" 

"You too" he smiled 

I drove to the studio and unlocked the door, I turned on the lights and walked to the back of the building towards my office, I sat down at my desk and went through the schedule book to see what I needed to do today, I had to move a lot of things around since Jaxson left, my schedule was beyond chaotic. 

"Alyssa?" There was a knock on my door frame, I looked up and smiled 

"Hey Hoseok" 
"Can I come in?"
"Of course, have a seat" 

He came in and sat down across from me, he was wearing a baggy shirt, basketball shorts, and a bucket hat 

"You look like you're ready to dance" I chuckled 

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