My reason

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I parked my car on the street out front of his house, grabbed my bag from the trunk and knocked on the front door. He opened the door and immediately pulled me into his arms. He held onto me tightly, I wrapped my arms around him in return and squeezed him just as tight. 

"Are you okay?"
"I'm okay" I smiled into his chest 
He pulled away from me and grabbed my bag, he carried it in for me and I sat down on his couch.
"Want anything to drink?"
"Absolutely" he smiled and walked out to his kitchen. I waited as he brewed some coffee and brought me out a mug with cream and sugar already mixed in, he sat next to me on the sofa and sat his coffee down on the end table 

"So, what happened?" 

"He signed the papers"

"Really?" His voice hit a higher pitch as his eyes widened and he leaned forward "he didn't disagree?"

"He did" I nodded "he tried begging me for a second chance, when he asked for forgiveness I told him I'd give it to him after he signed the papers, but that we were done. I also don't think he wanted it to get ugly in front of Joon" 

He nodded "that makes sense" 

"I have to sell the house, I'll split it fifty fifty with him, and I guess tomorrow I'll contact an agent and start looking for a new place to stay" 

"If you want to stay here until you find a place, you're more than welcome" 

"Thank you" I smiled "I appreciate it" 

He leaned in and kissed my lips softly 
"I'm looking forward to it" he whispered against my lips, making me smile as he leaned in again and kissed me deeper. We sat there on the couch talking for an hour as we sipped our coffees 

"Does he know where you are?" He eventually asked, I shook my head 

"When he asked me where I was going.." I blushed "I told him my happy place..and came here" 
He smiled wider than I had ever seen 

"My house is your happy place?" He giggled 

I shook my head "you are. Not your house" I admitted with a laugh making him blush as he laughed again 

"I'm glad I can be that for you. Mark will find out eventually, and I'm not a fighter but I'll go down swinging if that's what it comes down to" 

"Look at you macho man" I squeezed his bicep making him laugh as he flexed 

"You like that?"

"I love it" we both laughed as he pulled his sleeve back down 

"Do we still have to hide our relationship?"

"No" I shook my head "I told you, I want to scream it from the rooftops" 

"So..does that mean I can call you mine?" He asked nervously 
"Call me what?" I joked like I couldn't hear him 
He nodded with a smile 
"Yes..can I call you mine?"
"I'm all yours baby" he smiled and leaned in kissing my lips as I giggled. I felt like a teenager with the way he made me feel so giddy and happy. 
That feeling quickly disappeared as my phone rang 


I rolled my eyes 
"Answer it" 
"I don't want to" 
"You should" 


"Hey..I know I'm the last person you want to talk to..but where are you? I thought you were at the studio but your car isn't here" 

"Why were you looking for me? We have nothing further to discuss. Joon is processing the papers and the real estate agent will contact you about the house" 

"I have something for you.. I-I wanted to surprise you.."

"I'm surprised alright" I snorted "surprised you called me so soon after what happened. Just leave me alone Mark. Please" 

"I can't" he sniffled 

"You can, you've been doing it for months now. Just pretend you're out getting some strange and ignore me. You should be used to that by now. Goodbye Mark" 

I hung up on him and put my phone down. 
"What did he want?"

"He thought I was at the studio, apparently he has something for me, he wanted to surprise me" 

"Should we go?"

"I think it's a horrible idea" 

"Maybe..but maybe it's not. You've gotten used to him not being there, and I know he's the one that did this, but he isn't used to the thought of you not being around anymore" 

"I don't care Hoseok" I rolled my eyes 

"Okay" he nodded "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you" 

"You didn't" I shook my head "I'm not upset with you at all, I know you're only doing and saying what you think is best. I'm just, frustrated that after everything he had the balls to call me. And I'm shocked even more by the fact that he tried to see me" 

He nodded "my ex did the same. We weren't married, obviously, but she did cheat. And then immediately after we broke up the calls, the texts, the drive by' all started as soon as I said it was over. She eventually stopped. But I was genuinely freaked out to go out sometimes because her car would be parked down the road from my house. I'm not going to let Mark do the same thing to you. Its fucked, he knew what she did to me, and how it made me feel..and then he turned around and did it to you" he shook his head "I can't believe that at one point in my life he was honestly my closest friend"  

"I'm so sorry you ever felt this way Hobi, you didn't deserve what she did to you" 

"Its okay" he smiled "everything happens for a reason, I think you were my reason" he smiled "I'm okay with that" 

"Me too" 

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