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"You okay?" Hoseok asked me as I stared down at the table

"Hmm?" I looked up "yeah, I'm okay. Sorry" I smiled as I picked up the menu. 

Once we ordered our food we made small talk as we ate. I had a burger and fries while Hoseok ate a caesar salad with extra chicken 

We were laughing over something he said about Jimin from when they were younger when all of a sudden his face grew serious 

"Alyssa, we should probably go" he grabbed his phone and his wallet "you're done right?"

"Yeah, I was just gonna finish my soda, everything okay?" 

"Yeah, everything's fine. Can we stop on the way to the studio and I'll get you a different soda?"

"What's the rush?" I chuckled 

"I just.." he thought about it as he lowered his head "bathroom. I need to go to the bathroom and I don't want to go here"

"Ooooh..that after salad poop. I get it" I stood up, he sighed as he stood up. He waited for me to walk ahead of him. We made it out of the diner and his body language relaxed, he got in behind the steering wheel, I opened my door and realized I had left my bag on the seat 

"Shit! Be right back" I shut the door and jogged over to the door

"Alyssa! Wait!" He got out of the car and ran after me, I walked in and went straight to the booth we were sitting in, I grabbed my bag and turned around to leave, I saw Hoseok standing in the doorway staring at me as he tried to catch his breath, I smiled at him as I held up my bag, I walked over to him and as I looked to my right I felt time stand still. 

I felt the oxygen get physically sucked out of my lungs. 

I felt my heart stop beating. 

Mark was sitting in a booth next to a girl. 

She looked slightly younger than me, she was beautiful. Like stunningly beautiful. 

They were both wearing black fitted shirts and sweatpants, they clearly weren't coming from the office. 

I tried to think of a logical explanation for them to be sitting so close, until he kissed her and wiped the cheese from her face with his thumb and she sucked it off his skin, making him laugh. 

I looked down at my wedding ring and back to them. 

He wasn't wearing his. 

I wanted to scream.
I wanted to cry. 
I wanted to hurt him. 

But I didn't. 

He looked so happy. 

Happier than I had seen him in a very long time. 

Instead I took a big inhale, exhaled slowly, and walked out of the diner staring straight ahead. 

We got into the car and sat in silence as he started the engine. 

"Alyssa..I was going to tell you once we got back.. I just didn't know how you'd react" 
"About what? I'm okay" I smiled 

I was breaking on the inside 

"Alyssa, you mi-"
"Honest. I'm okay" 

He dropped it after that. 
We got back to work, he went to his dance studio, I went to mine. I went about the rest of my day as usual, I pushed it completely out of my mind so I didn't break. I taught class, after class, dance, after dance and just tried to stay focused on work. 

By the time my last class left, I felt spent. 

But I didn't want to go home. 

Not yet. 

I sat down in my office chair and wrote down in the notebook what needed to be done for the next day, Hoseok walked in

"Hey, I'm heading home. Do you need anything?"

"Nope, I'm okay" I smiled "thanks though" 

"You sure you're good?" 


"Okay..I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Works for me. Are you coming in early again?"


"Okay, do you drink coffee? I'll make sure I bring you one too"

"Sounds good to me" he smiled "see you in the morning"
"Good night" I smiled as he walked out of my office. 

I was alone again and the silence felt louder than my heart that was beating out of my chest. 

Why didn't he tell me he wasn't happy? 

We've been together for so long that if he didn't want this anymore he could have been honest and I would have given him what he wanted. 
He's my best friend. 

I went upstairs to the main dance floor and put my headphones in, I took my tank top and my sneakers off leaving myself in my leggings and sports bra. 
I put on "often" by the weeknd and started to pole dance. 

I needed to put all of my focus into my dancing so I wouldn't cry. 

I didn't want to think about Mark and that girl. 

I climbed up the pole and closed my eyes as I bent over backwards hugging the pole with my legs and spun all the way around as I slid down, I gripped the pole with my hands and opened my legs doing a split before I arched my back and brought one leg over the other touching the ground with my toes.
I walked around the pole making it spin and gradually brought my legs up, I wrapped one leg completely around the pole as I lifted the other behind me and spun back down, my toes touched the floor and I opened my eyes as the song ended, I made eye contact with Hoseok as he stood in the doorway, I jumped and held my chest as I removed one of my earbuds 

"Hey, you scared me" 

"Sorry" he smiled "that was awesome though" 

"Thanks" I blushed as I grabbed my water bottle and chugged some down 

"I felt bad just leaving after what happened earlier. I wanted to come back and just make sure you're okay" 

"I'm okay" I nodded and smiled "thanks though" 

He nodded as he looked down at the ground 

"He's honestly a moron" he shook his head 

"I appreciate it..but I really..I can't talk about it today" 

"I understand" he nodded

"Can you do me a huge favor though?"

"Of course" he looked up at me

"Can you not tell the guys? I'm not sure how long this has been happening or how long it will go on for, and I could live without opinions or comments.."

"Not a problem" 

"Thanks, I'm going home now" I slid my tank top and my sneakers back on. I honestly could have stayed and danced some more, but I felt like Hoseok wasn't going to leave if I didn't. 

When I got home I sat in my car for few minutes before getting out and going inside. 

The Side Piece |18+| Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang