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"The PI has been tailing him, he hasn't been to work once the entire time. He leaves here dressed for work, goes to her apartment, and then they do..well..who knows" he shrugged "sometimes they leave in her car and go on dates. It's been over a week at this point and it's the same thing everyday. The PI got ahold of his work records, he's been out of work for a month now" 

"What the fuck?" I furrowed my eyebrows "he keeps getting checks deposited into the account every week like usual, I didn't bother to check the amount really because my money covers all of the bills and stuff" 

"Well, it's just another thing we can use against him. Do you know where he's going"

"No" I shook my head 

"He's going to the Bahamas with her. My PI is going to follow them. You're going to get what you want from this divorce hands down so long as you two don't get caught together" 

"We won't, I don't want to risk him taking advantage of her" Hoseok said as he wrapped his arm around my waist making Namjoon and I smile 

"There she is" Mark announced with a smile as Namjoon, Hoseok, and I walked out into the back yard "I was just telling the guys about the time we went to Nebraska" 

"Oh, yeah that was fun" I smiled 

"Jared and I want to go somewhere for vacation, we just have no idea where" Jin said 

"I always wanted to go to the Bahamas" Hoseok said with a smile, my blood froze. 

"Man, I hear it's amazing" Mark said "we should go there next year, I'll have enough paid time off from work to take a nice vacation" 

Fucking piece of shit. 

"Yeah" I smiled "anyone want anything from the house? I gotta run in to use the bathroom" 

"Actually, yeah, I'll follow you in" Jimin said as he stood up, I walked in and started putting the dishes in the dishwasher 

"What is going on?" Jimin asked 

"What do you mean?" 

"One second, you're glowing and everything is fine. And the next, you look like you want to puke" 

"I'm okay" I smiled 

"You're lying. Alyssa, I've known you my entire life. I know something is wrong" 

"Jimin..can we talk about this later?"

"No. I want to know" he stepped closer to me 

"I'll tell you..but not now" I whispered 

"I have a general idea..but okay" 

I grabbed a beer and twisted it open 

"What are you doing?" His eyes widened "if you're pregnant you can't drink that!" He whisper yelled, I started laughing 

"If that's the idea you have, you are so far off. Trust me. Everything will make sense when we talk. Do you want to come to the studio tomorrow?"

"Oh thank god" he sighed "yeah, I'll come in at like..two?" 

"That works" I nodded as we walked out of the house. 

He sat down across from me at my desk 

"So, you're not pregnant?"

"No" I laughed 

"Then what is going on?"

"I'll tell you. But it doesn't leave this room"

"Mark is cheating on me. I have proof, he's going to file for divorce and he wants my money so I'm having Namjoon file for me. His 'business trip' is actually a vacation to the Bahamas with her"  

"Are you fucking kidding me?" He yelled "how are you so fucking calm right now? I want to rip his fucking face off and stuff it down his throat!" 

"Because I've been dealing with this for years now.. we started drifting slowly but surely..and then we went months with out kissing or physical contact, and then Hobi and I saw them out to lunch..and then it snowballed from there. I've had time to accept it and move on. Now it's just about protecting myself" 

"So Hoseok and Namjoon know?"

"Yes, and they've agreed to keep it between us" 

"So do I, but if I had known I wouldn't have sat back and broke bread with the mother fucker" 

"That's exactly why I haven't told anyone. I want to keep things as normal as possible so he doesn't find out that I know and try covering his tracks" 

"Makes sense" he nodded "how are you? With everything going on?"

"I'm great actually" I smiled "once this is all over, I'll be free to do what I want and so will he. I can't forgive him for betraying me, but I'm no saint either. And honestly, I want to thank him for opening up my eyes. I deserve better than what he's given me the last few years, I know that now" 

"You're such a strong woman, have I ever told you that?" He smiled 

"Not since we were teenagers and I flipped Jungkook over my shoulder" I snorted as I laughed, he threw his head back and laughed along with me 

"I love you Alyssa, if you need anything, literally anything, please don't hesitate to call me okay?"

"I will, I love you too" I smiled "I'll walk you out" I stood up and walked with him to the front door, he hugged me extra tight, and I squeezed him back as I nuzzled my head into his chest, he kissed my forehead before he pulled away from me 

"I love you, just say the word and I'll make him disappear okay?" 

I laughed "yeah okay" I rolled my eyes "I love you too, now go so I can get back to teaching" I shoved him towards the door making him laugh as he left 

After my last class I sat in my office scribbling everything down in my notebook when Hoseok walked in 

"Sooo.." he said as he sat down "Tae called me, he asked me not to tell you but he saw Mark out to eat with his friend Tina. He was going to say hi to them but then he saw them kissing and he doesn't know what to do because he doesn't want to hurt you" 

"So, this mystery women's name is Tina?" I asked as I continued writing 

"Yeah, apparently Tae worked with her before he and Jimin opened up the store. He said she was engaged at one point so he wonders if she's cheating too" 

"And what did you tell him about how to handle it with me?" I asked as I looked up from my notebook 

"I told him that it would be for the best not to tell you. I told him that you had something personal going on and that right now wouldn't be the best time. I also asked him not to tell any of the guys" 

I nodded "that works" I smiled "thank you" I went back to writing down my notes, he started chuckling making me raise my head again "what?" I smiled 

"You just..the way you look when you're involved in your work. You look so concentrated, you get this little crease in your forehead and your nose scrunches up..it's just..it's cute" he smiled making me blush 

"Thank you" I said shyly as I smiled 

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