New apartment

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"Where do you want this one?"
" the bedroom I guess" 

Hoseok and our friends were helping me move into my new apartment. It was really close to the studio and not far from Hoseok's house. 

"Hey Alyssa" Yoongi said as he came into the apartment 
"Hey" I smiled and gave him a big hug 

"How are you?"

"I'm great! How are you?"

"I'm tired, but I told you I'd help so I'm here. I'm not sure how much help I'll be though" he chuckled 

"We're almost done anyway" I giggled "I didn't have much" 

He nodded and walked off to another room to help one of the guys, I was trying to put together a bookshelf in my office room. 

I rented a three bedroom apartment, one room for me, one for my office, and one for if anyone needed a room to crash in. 

"Hey, have you talked to Mark?" Jimin asked me in a hushed voice 

"Nope. Not since the day he signed the papers. Why?" 

"He moved in with his parents, and then he broke his arm because he got too drunk and fell down their steps trying to get up to his room" 

"Sucks to be him" I shrugged 

"Maybe you should reach out to him?" 

"Why? After what he put me through? I'm good" 

"I know..and I agree with you to an extent..but guys were together for so long, doesn't that mean anything? Don't you still have just the slightest bit of love or compassion for him?" 

"Look, Jimin, I appreciate you. I do, you're one of my best friends and I love you with my whole heart. I don't wish anything bad on Mark. I do love him, I'm just not in love with him anymore. I hope he finds peace and happiness and everything works out for him. But that doesn't include me. Not even as a friend. We could have been friends if he had came to me in the beginning and told me he wanted to divorce before he started a whole new relationship, we could have been friends if he had even admitted that he cheated after the first time because he was drunk. But no, he did none of those things. He didn't give a fuck about me and I'm not about to keep holding onto my fucks to give him" 

"I get that Alyssa, but you're not innocent either. You started fucking Hobi as soon as you found out, isn't it a bit odd that out of everyone you chose his best friend? I know you say he isn't a rebound but it sure as hell seems like it" 

"I thought we were past this" I finally stood up and faced him "Hobi isn't a rebound, I respect him way too much to ever use him like that. I didn't choose to fall for Hoseok, it just fucking happened! We're happy together, and if you can't stay neutral between Mark and I then just choose Mark already and leave me the fuck alone. I'm tired of defending myself to you. I thought you were over this, I thought you were happy for me" 

"I am happy for you. I love you, but I'm also watching my other best friend fall apart, and my other best friend is emotional, and I don't want to see him get used" 

"If you think I would use someone to hurt them then you clearly don't know me" 

"Alyssa" he sighed and closed his eyes "that isn't what I meant" he shook his head, he turned around and shut the door, he locked it and stepped forward closer to me, my eyes started to water "don't cry, please don't cry" he hugged me "I'm sorry, I'm shit when it comes to expressing my feelings. These are just things that I worry about. I am happy for you, I swear, and I'm happy for Hobi too, I just don't want to see either of you get hurt again, I feel like you guys rushed into things and it worries me" 

"I know" I cried into his chest "but if we were rushing things don't you think I would've just moved in with him? I'm in my own apartment, we haven't said we love each other, and I don't feel like it's moving too fast at all. We're just trying to be happy" 

"I know" he rubbed my back "I'm sorry" 

"It's okay, I accept your apology..just..please just be happy for us?" 

"I will" he kissed the top of my head, there was a knock on the door 

"Babe, everything okay?" 

I let go of Jimin and unlocked the door, I opened it and held onto Hoseok like my life depended on it as a few more tears slipped down my cheeks 

"Baby, what's wrong? What happened?" He asked as he held me 

"I upset her. We're okay now though" Jimin said softly, I felt Hoseok nod his head

"I'm sorry guys" Jimin mumbled as he sighed "I didn't mean to make her so upset. I'll go" 

"You can stay" I mumbled into Hoseok's chest 

"Are you sure?"

"You're my best friend Jimin, of course I'm sure" 

"Thank you" he kissed my temple as he walked past Hoseok and I 

"You okay baby?"

"I'm okay" I nodded "he didn't mean it. He's just worried about us. Me, you, and Mark. He's just having a hard time staying neutral" 

"I figured he would, but he didn't cross any lines right?"

"No, he wouldn't" I shook my head, Hoseok used his index finger and thumb to lift my chin, he leaned in and kissed my lips softly 
"It's okay baby" he leaned in and kissed me again "we'll be okay" he smiled making me smile up at him as I leaned in and kissed his lips again. 

"We'll be okay" 

The rest of the time the guys were at my apartment went by smoothly, Jimin seemed to feel better after our conversation and went back to being his happy playful self, I ordered food and we all sat at my kitchen table eating and talking, Jared almost shot soda out of his nose because he was laughing too hard. 

It was a great day. 

I wouldn't trade my group of my friends for anything in the world. 
Towards the end of the night my phone rang, it was an unknown number which isn't too odd considering my cell number was listed for the dance studio 




"'s Stacey.." 

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