Chapter 7 - The Truth Revealed

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December 15

*Emma's P.O.V.*

It's noon and I'm sitting here on my back staring at ceiling blasting Pierce The Veil, Paramore, and Al Time Low, mainly Pierce the Veil. I'm thinking about the dance on Friday and my required kiss with Lachlan. Most of all I'm thinking about how Lachlan asked me to the dance, and what Sam said. Am I a Slut, is it embarrassing to be with me? I thought. Maybe thats why Sarah stopped hanging out with me.

I'm interrupted by my thoughts by my music lowering and a text alert going off then returning to Vic screaming. I get up glad for something to get my mind off things. I picked up my phone and turned off the music. I heard something like "I can finally think straight" or "I can here my self think." come from Sarah's room. I pick up my phone and read the text message from Alex. Meet me at Starbucks by the mall in an hour! It says.

I get up take a shower and put my hair up in a wet ponytail and put on my usual outfit a pair of skinny jeans and one of my never ending, always growing, collection of band tees. I went with a Pierce the Veil one, how original. I go downstairs and leave a note on the counter saying I'm out with Alex, grab my board and leave.

*Time Skip to Starbucks with the power of Poofles*

I get there 15 minutes early and sit down at a booth putting in my headphones. I get lost in the music and my thoughts. Why did she ask me to meet her here and not the one by our houses? Probably to take me shopping I think. I listen to Alex singing about a stripper (Dear Maria, Count Me In) as Alex taps me on the shoulder.

I turn off my music and look at her and say "Hey, what's up?". "I don't know..." she says looking at her feet guiltily knowing that I hate shopping and knowing I know that she took me here to go shopping. "I know it's ok I'll carry your bags." I say standing up. "ok, good, I wanted to take you here to take you dress shopping for the dance."

I knew that I would have to buy a dress for the dance eventually and this being the last weekend before the dance I knew I couldn't argue. "ok, but ill only wear it if it's black or a different dark color." I say leading her out the door. Before I knew it we had gone into five clothes shops and all I had bought was a new pair of black skinny jeans.

Alex on the other hand had 3 bags already. We were walking into Vans much to Alex's complaining. "Why do we have to come here!" she wines. "I need new wheels on this board and I want the green ones from here." I say. By the time we were out I had new wheels, a new beanie and a new jacket while Alex got a new pair of shoes.

We finally got to the dress shop and I tried on a black dress with spaghetti straps. It went down to my knees and had a white ribbon around the center. I thought it was good and it was as girly as I would go. "it's perfect and it's cheep" Alex says as I walk out of the fitting room, looking at the tag. She said she had a dress at home and I headed home holding the bags while ridding my newly wheeled board.

I get home to find Sarah arguing with mom in the living room. "But it's a perfectly good dress! Lilly's gonna let me borrow it for the dance!" Sarah wined. "No. My daughter is not going to a school dance in a skimpy little dress, and look like, look like a slut. Mom spat out. I saw what they were arguing about on the couch. A red dress probably mid thigh and strapless was sitting on the couch.

Sarah stormed upstairs yelling "FINE, I'LL WEAR THAT BLUE DRESS YOU BOUGHT reME". I walked into the living room and rubbed my moms back and she looked at me. "Did you find a dress yet?" she asked. I nodded and set down my shopping bags and pulled out the dress. "Oh my, Emma it's beautiful. It reminds me of the dress I went to prom in." she says looking at the dress.

I hear a scream from upstairs "OF CORSE YOU APROVE OF HER DRESS AND NOT MINE". I grab my shopping bags and go upstairs. Later after dinner I get a text from Preston. "Quick, I need help. Can you meet me at the Starbucks by your house in 20 minuets?" it read. Since me and Alex never got our coffee I agreed. "ok, see ya there" I reply. I put on a beanie and grab a jacket and my phone and go downstairs yelling "GOING TO STARBUCKS WITH PRESTON I'LL BE BACK BY 10" I grab one of my older boards and run out of the door.

<Magical Power Move to Starbucks>

I get there and see Preston there with two hot mugs of coffee. "Hey, what's the emergency" I say knowing it was something urgent because if it wasn't he would of told me on Monday or asked/told me tomarrow. "I.. I um... I..." Preston stutters. I take a sip of my coffee. "Spit it out" I say because it was 9 and if we were gonna get anywhere with his problem I need the entire 20 minuets"

"ICheatedOnSarah" he says all really fast. "Again slower" I say, truthfully I understood what he said and just wanted to make sure I heard correctly. "I Cheated On Sarah" he says looking down at his cup. "When did this happen?" I asked Preston. "At the Halloween party you know, the one Sarah couldn't come to but you did?" he says and I nod remembering that night. "I kissed a girl and I was drunk and I haven't told anyone yet." he says.

I look at the ground and think of that night.


I walked into the party with Lachlan. I walked around and made sure not to drink. I chatted with friends and saw many drunk people wandering around. A lot of people wearing Inapropriate costumes. Girls in skimpy devil and angel costumes wandered by as I walked around wearing black make up and a leather jacket, leather jeans, a black tee and some combat boots. I was dressed as a punker.

(Flashback over)

I say "You should tell her." I say sipping my coffee. "But what if she breaks up with me?" he asks. Honestly in my mind she's not good enough for him anymore. "She won't" I say and get up grabbing my board and his hand dragging him outside leaving our mugs and a tip on the table. "Where are we going?" he asks as he gets on his board and skates next to me. "To my house, she deserves to know" I say.

When we get there Sarah's in the living room and I walk in taking off my shoes and going into the kitchen giving Preston and Sarah some space. I wait for a while but here Sarah storm upstairs to find Preston in tears on the couch. "I .. I... I can't believe her!" he yelled making me jump. "What?" I asked sitting down next to him and rubbing his back. "She said she cheated on me and has been with Brandon since Thanksgiving." he says sobbing. I look at him and pick up my phone calling Lachlan.

"What is so urgent that you had to call me at 10:30 at night." he asks annoyed. "Can you have Brian come pick up Preston. He's a mess and I don't think he should board home." I say quietly. "What happened, what did you do?" he asked sounding concerned. "He told Sarah that he kissed that girl at the party, and she told him shes been in a relationship with Brandon since Thanksgiving" I say. "oh ok I'll have Brian pick him up bye, goodnight" he says ending the call.

I walk back into the living room and sit next to Preston who has stopped crying but gives a hiccup every once in a while. I hug him and say, "when I'm upset I like to listen to music, it calms me down." and then I kiss his forehead like a big sister would. "Thanks, Thanks for everything, for giving me advice, for caring, for being here for me" he says and the door bell rings. I open it and Preston comes over with his phone and says goodbye. I close the door and slide down it.



<3 DarkStar

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