Chapter 22 - My Parents?

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March 3

Emma's P.O.V.

I wake up to my alarm groaning. I hit the off button and get up. I brush out my hair and put it into a messy bun, I pull on some band tee and jeans, the usual. I wash my face and go downstairs. I check my phone and eat some cereal. I run outside in 20 min. Running late, to see Lachlan, Preston and Brian pull up. I catch my breath and get in.

"Thanks" I say. We drive to school and were right on time. We pull up and I run to English, my hair becoming even more messy. I sit down next to Sarah and catch my breath. Halfway through Math an announcement gets called over the speakers. "Emma and Sarah please come to the office with your things." I look at Sarah and we get up, grabbing our stuff. We arrive at the office and I see two pairs of people sitting there.

I frown and say "You needed us?" the principle nods "Emma, Sarah, these are your parents" she says. We both remain silent, these are the people who had children at an age too young to take care of us, these are the people who abandoned Sarah on the street! The older couple stands and walks over to me. I back up and say "You aren't my parents" bitterly. They look shocked.

The other couple says "Sarah, we want to talk to you in the hall." I sigh and Sarah leaves as well as the principle. My parents sit down again and so do I. I speak "You aren't my parents, all we have in common is genetic code." I say. The woman frowns she says "I understand that you are mad but we have come from the U.S. to find you." I frown and say "To do what?" I say.

The male says "We want to take you home with us". I frown "No Absolutely not, I have a loving family and a boyfriend here I am not leaving" I say. They sigh "We were afraid you would say that, us and Sarah's parents want to take you back, we're going to try and get you into our custody" my "Mom" says. I stand "You can't just pluck me from my home and leave without saying anything, hell I don't even know your name!" I say.

They sigh my "Dad" says, "I am Rian and your mother is Lisa, we are 30 years old, we should be allowed to have our daughter back". I frown again "You can do all you want if I get a say I'm staying with my real parents." I say. I pick up my backpack and the bell rings. I walk out to see Sarah there with her parents I push through and I go to art. I am NOT in a good mood at all.

My drawing turned out to be of two halves of a torn picture the people holding them were my real parents and my birth parents. At lunch Lachlan tried to comfort me after Sarah explained. I snapped "Its not fine my parents want to take me to the U.S. they think they can just start on a clean slate they abandoned me!" I pick up my stuff and storm off as Alex and Max come over.

Let's just say I was pissed and on a short temper the rest of the day.


I'm back!

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