Chapter 25 - The Concert

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May 5

Emma's P.O.V.

I walk out of my house wearing an All Time Low tee and some ripped jeans. Everyone was already in the car but I forgot my camera. I hop in and we put in a Pierce the Veil CD in the background. I was the only one in out group besides Alex who listened to them so this was going to be akward. The show was for All Time Low but Pierce The Veil was opening for them.

We ride and Campharila (I'm too lazy to check the spelling, tee hee) comes on. The screaming comes on and Krystal looks at me worried and says "Should I be worried about loosing my hearing" I laugh and say "They don't scream, much" Alex laughs and Lachlan looks at me and says "As long as your having fun we'll all be having fun" I smile and kiss his cheek. Sarah looked a little loanly, she was up in front with Brian.

We make it to the venue and pull in. We walk inside and rush into the mosh which was pretty full already. I pushed and pulled us untill we were pretty close. Mike runs on and takes his seat at the drums and me and a bunch of people from the crowd scream, Tony runs out getting a lot of screams Jamie (Hi-me) runs out and some girls behind us hold up a Mexican flag, Finaly Vic runs out and comes up to the mic.

He talks into it "What's up Sydney!" a lot of us scream. "We are having fun on tour with the boys but who is ready for Jalex?" a lot and I mean a lot of girls scream. He laughs and they start playing. When they finish the sky under the sea they run off for a bit. Krystal looks a bit shaken and is holding onto Preston like if she let go the world would end.

Rian runs out and earns a bunch of screams, then Zach, Jack and Finaly Alex. Throughout the show, more bras end up on the mic stands and more and more shirts get taken off. I for one kept mine on. Alex steps up to the mic and says "I've gotten this question many times and I just wanted to clarify, I wrote Therapy for my brother, he committed suicide" he starts playing and singing Therapy.

Lachlan wraps his arms around me and we sway to the music, when he gets to the second verse he holds out the mic "My lungs gave out as I faced the crowd, keeping this up could be dangerous" I sing along with many others. He joins back in and finishes the song, then he talks to everyone and they start playing So Long Soilder, one of my favorites.

When they finish and run off stage we walk off to the merch booth where we see Vinny working his ass off as girls buy clothing and other stuff. Krystal buys me the All Time Low shirt and I buy myself a new Pierce the Veil one as well. We walk back out to the car and Preston turns to me "One question, why did they say to take off your shirts" me and Alex laugh.

<3 DarkStar

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