Arc 6.3 Yu Sheng

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Chapter 6.3 Yu Sheng

“Little Yu, are you alright?"

Xiao Fei held Little Yu in her arms, the said man held his bruised wrist as he look at the woman who was seething with anger in front of them.

Two weeks had passed by since Yu Sheng went back and forth out of the palace. Also, two weeks had already passed by since that day when she first met Little Yu.

Little Yu is a lovely man, soft spoken and kind. Yu Sheng often wonder why a man like him would be working in a Pleasure House since he does not look like a person that works there.

But all in all, Yu Sheng was relieved when she knew that Little Yu only sell his talent and not his body there even though his the Mama of the pleasure house.

Yu Sheng often visited Little Yu in the Pleasure House that she had already become a regular customer there.

She was so fond of the honest and soft spoken man who play his guqin for her every time she visits, he reminds her of a cute little brother that makes one wanted to protect him.

Having Little Yu play music for her became a pass time for Yu Sheng as she survey the crowded crowd down below hoping to catch a glimpse of the man that she was looking for.

Its been two weeks, two weeks of failure in finding him.

Yu Sheng really had become to dependent on the red string of fate, too dependent that she wish she could see that lazy bum System of hers and pummel its ass hard there and then!

Yu Sheng tries everything in her power to look for him but to no avail it was like the person she was looking for does not exist, it seemed like he was not even there in that world.

Just the thought of this made Yu Sheng fall on a bad mood and sometimes vent her frustration and irritation to innocent individuals like the tree, mountains and such.

Splitting the mountain into two was already very kind of her but burning an entire forest of trees. Definitely she is in a very bad mood.

Today was supposed to be the same day as the rest, Yu Sheng listening to Little Yus music as she survey the crowd hoping to catch a glimpse of the silver or snow white haired man, a trait that seemed to have followed him in every world.

Xiao Fei was also there, how can she be missing? This is her Master we are talking about, she must protect her Masters chastity and innocence that seemed to have disappeared along the wind.

But still, she will protect her Master from the group of locusts who are only waiting for their chance to jump on her.

Standing tall like a willow tree, sword on her hands, she will skewer every ugly and old hag locust with her sword and set them all ablaze if they tried to jump on her Master and her!

Yu Sheng who was having the time of her life looking out of the window and Xiao Fei who was daydreaming was suddenly snap back to reality when a loud sound suddenly slam outside there room.


“Second Miss, your already drunk!"

“I *hic* I'm not drunk! Come on! Bring in some more beauties!"

A sound of a woman who was in her drunken stupor yelled loudly as more broken sound of things were heard outside the room.

“Second Miss!"


“I said bring more beauties! Are you disobeying my orders?! Don't you know who I am?! Useless!"

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