Chapter 7.4 Xiao Hua

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Chapter 7.4 Xiao Hua

“We part here my good disciple." Xiao Hua said patting her disciple by his shoulders.

“Master, thank you for everything. Don't worry. I'll settle my matters back home as quickly as possible so I could be of use to you." Yang Li cried.

“Hmm? Then, goodbye my disciple."

And with that, the Master and disciple parted ways in the opposite direction.

They might have parted ways, each with their own destination to go to. But one day, the two shall meet again.

“Righteous Sect, here I go!"

Standing on top of a hill, Xiao Hua over looked the walls of the Capital where the Righteous Sect dwells.

Jumping down, she traveled the many miles of steps down with just a jump as she fell from the cliff down to the forest under.

“Someone is jumping down!"

“A person is committing suicide!"

A group of people who were on a quest saw a red figure jumping down the cliff.

They were just about to head back to the Capital, they did not expect to meet a crazy person who was bent on ending their life.

The group of youths quickly ran to the direction where the figure committing suicide should have fallen, the group was ready to help.

Gasping and panting, the group finally reached their destination.

The group quickly search for the victim of the fall but instead of seeing a dead body, they saw an enchanting beauty standing near the falls.

“Wow, so beautiful."

One of the woman of the group could not help but gasp in admiration when she saw the enchantingly beautiful woman who was standing alone near the falls.

It was like a vivid out of this world painting, the woman was so surreal that she was not sure if she is real or just a figment of her imagination.

“Senior Sister, how could there be such a beautiful woman in this world. Not even Yi QianQian who was known as the most beautiful woman in the Righteous Sect could compare to her. She is just too beautiful!"

“I agree!" Said the young man of the group.

Xiao Hua who was standing still finally look at the group of youths who had already stared at her long enough, she smiled at them.

‘I know Im overly gorgeous that seeing my beautiful self is already a sin I had committed to the Mortals such as all of you. I'm too bad, badly beautiful.'

“Going to the Capital?" Xiao Hua smiled.

Seeing the Goddess smile at them, the group of youths stupidly nod their head at her. Xiao Hua only giggled at their reaction as she walks toward the group.

“I'm also going to the Capital, wanna go together?" Xiao Hua said stopping a meter from the group.

“Godde-- I mean, big sister, are you also going to the Capital?" A cute girl with pigtails asked.

“I am, are you?"

“Y-Yes! Were going to the Capital too." The girl with pigtails said.

“Sister, are you not from somewhere around here? I had never seen you around this parts before." One of the women in the group asked Xiao Hua as she grab the girl with the pigtails behind her back.

“No, I'm not. Actually, I used to live here in the Capital. But, some matters came up so I was away for a few years." Xiao Hua said.

“Really? But why don't I know you? A beautiful lady such as yourself, how was I not able to get some news about you? You're so pretty, I'm sure there should be some news about you going around. I, the Master Gossiper shall dig dee-- ouch!"

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